Monday, 6 June 2016

Breaking Through...

Shane Breaking Through
Shane Breaking Through
G'day Possums,

 Well, at the beginning of Week 5 after a truce of sorts in week 4 the breakthrough has happened: though only slightly, the ruling rabble have fallen behind in the polls and their pretend leader "Truffles," popularity is also trending down.

So much so that he has put out a cloying little piece of hagiography extolling the humility and tribulations from his early life to where he made his Cayman account fortune.

I wouldn't doubt that this will only provide further material for the satirists, as the privilege of having $300,000,000.00 and believing only in "The-Free-Market" sort of precludes any real contact with the world of the other 92%. But that remains to be seen.
#‎LNPliar‬ ‪#‎auspol‬ ‪#‎ausvote‬... it's started within an hour of release...

He also showed what a democratic fellow he was by not only turning up to a celebratory fundraiser for far-right Adelaide fruit-loop, Cory "Bestiality" but also visiting the Once-Tardis State of Victoria, to fan the flames of dissent among some volunteer "fireys" having a "spontaneous" demo about all things UNION!
Pelicans Demonstrating, not flying
Pelicans Demonstrating, not flying
A hundred or so CFA volunteers and their professionally "hand-made" signs all extolling the same theme: Union, "BAD," "Free Labour "GOOD  went rallying against..... what? "We're afraid we'll be taken over by the union!" 
Well, no-one has yet been able to explain that.
All 1100 brigades? Or is it just a relatively minor dispute about the running of the 35 mixed outer suburban stations and a rather interesting set of ambit claims?   
The Liarbrils had been stalling on dealing with this (and at the cost to the household fire levy of $21,000,000.00,  2011-14) as they did with the Ambo's and have now conveniently whipped it up as a distraction for their barrenness of policy at both State and Federal level and the fact that their polling is sliding?
Matty, "What's-a-Green-Wedge" Guy' with smarmy IPA smiles behind Truffles at the circus said it all.... whose "surprise" visit,  playing the defender of the working class was just too-too Herald-Sun, "Ugly American" Murdoch press to be believed!
Pity that the poor applause and many folded arms for Truffles was a trifle telling.
Who wrote this farce, Blot-on-the-Landscape, Bolt?

CFA volunteers should be careful they're not being misled into another "Truffles Turdball,"  Godwin Grech moment of farce.
Helping the cause of confusion and lack of clarity in this matter was "Un-Environment Minister",  Hunt who opined on radio that if the CFA is "forced-into-a-deal" by the unions and Labor won office, electricity prices will go up and it will be the end of civilization as we know it ,  although even though he didn't seem to know any detail about this EBA, "they're doing a deal, they're doing a deal!" was his strident message.
Froth and Bubble
Froth and Bubble
He was less concerned at the news of Chinese being brought in on 457 Visas to take Australian jobs as this was probably part of the Liarbril's Jobs'ngrowth scheme as an adjunct to the Free Trade Deal with China and he couldn't provide answers to the questions put as that only distracted him from being "On-message, on-the-same-page and singing- from-the-same-song-sheet" and his normal irrelevant self.
Dodgy Deals
Dodgy Deals
Things is Hottin'-Up now.... the fireworks are about to be set off... I think the stink of funk arises from the conservatives....and Psst... we have a new local candidate. A possibly delusional one; well, he's called himself the "Bolt -of-the-West" an ex councillor and scribe for local rag, is running as a "National." I assume it's only to provide preference votes for the Liarbril candidate against Labor's Shadow Health Minister, Catherine King.... more later...

Hoo-roo Petals,


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