Shane at Bean Barn
G'day Petals,It's been a while.... but we've seen some shows put one on and unfortunately remained appalled by the insanity of our Federal Government but more of that in Wombat Droppings. |
"Class" at the Bean Barn |
It's a smallish show as you can see; photo's from dance class. I think, looking at it that there should have been more or perhaps grouped into blocks of images.
It's interesting that each show you have has a different dynamic and even when you know the space scale, content and framing all make for a different idea.
The works are very quiet in content so I decided that small frames (which are also quite old-fashioned) would be suitable. I'll be interested to find out if this idea makes viewers examine them closely or just glance and pass by.
"Class" is on till last week of September at "The Bean Barn" 217 Sturt St. Ballarat.
And using coffee as a segue' when Mrs Wombat and I recently went to Bendigo Art Gallery to see "The Body Beautiful," Greek work from the British Museum we stopped off before to have a very smooth coffee at
It's called that because of the manner in which the coffee is made, variable atmospheres and things ...as I said, a very smooth drop from Jess and Leeanne
Jess and Leeanne "Get Naked" Coffee |
Jess and Leeanne "Get Naked" Coffee |
The jewellery in the Bendigo show was exquisite as were the lively drawings in both red and black figure style on the amphora and plates.
Bendigo Art Gallery
It has been a while since I have looked hard at sculpture and the Kouros on entry to the exhibition was a revelation of incipient movement from 6th BCE |
Bendigo Art Gallery
Discobolus |
Bendigo Art Gallery |
Bendigo Art Gallery
Wombat Droppings
Pathetic excuse for an Education Minister, Pyne the-Whyne-and Perfect-Prat-of-a-Prefect" is hell bent on destroying Tertiary Education and making it impossible for those without enough money to afford university or if they do get there, financially crippled for the next twenty years after graduating.
In typical Liarbril fashion that sees nothing but what what they want to see and believe only the fantasies promulgated by "The-Coots-With-Queer-Ideas-From-a-Parallel-Universe" The IPA, Pyne seems oblivious to the notion that as well as destroying the tertiary sector the collateral damage he will occasion just might impact on Private schooling... in other words shoot himself and his putrid political party in the foot.
Prime Miniature, Rabbutt-The Hun is telling everyone "....the public don't want another election..." which is not true; HE doesn't! In a bid to distract a less than gruntled electorate "Rabbutt" is practising Muslim Mugging and organising Oz to become a Gun-Runner for the Yanks. He's looking very jaded and is losing his hair.... may this continue at a quicker rate.
I managed to watch ten minutes of Andrew "Blot-on-the-Landscape" Bolt's TV program recently... Hmmmm ...Play-Skool for retarded right-wingers. It's so bad that I can't imagine it would have much of a following.
There is so much happening that is bad that it is almost impossible to list just how incompetent this Government is. I found another's blog (Damien Smith http://theaimn.com/open-letter-tony-abbott/ )expressing a similar thought saying, "Stop, I need a break." The damage these mongrels are doing is beyond comprehension.
On a bright note, IPA Head Jon "Jongleur" Roskam is attempting to gain pre-selection for a safe Liarbril seat in State Parliament. Not content with with trashing Liberalism with the IPA's insane ideas, he now wants to corrupt it from the inside.
I wish him well but there a quite a few Liarbrils complaining at how "far-right" their political party has become.. .. ohh, and it's a full purgatorial year since these incompetents have been elected federally. All these destructive children have managed to do is dismantle almost everything that made Australia a notable nation and have shown themselves by their actions, words, associations and deeds far worse and far more stupid than anyone could have predicted.
Happy anniversary Rabbutt!
hoo-roo Possums,
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