Tuesday, 18 December 2012

... to a Buon Natale

Buon Natale

Xmas gifts

 The small town of Ballan used to have an independent Butcher’s shop but the supermarket grew and it closed down.

Then about 18 months ago Salvatore and Trish opened up their Regional Butchers’ Shop.

They participated in the Ballan Festival earlier this year (see “The Arts in Ballan” entry) and the business seems to have gone from strength to strength with Salvatore recently even winning prizes for his sausages in a butchers’ competition.

On Saturday night last, Salvatore and Trish invited their customers to a Bar-B-Q as a thank you for their patronage.

Ballan Butcher Xmas barbeque Lawrence Winder
The shop, Inglis St, Ballan
Preparation,  Salvatore and Trish

Ballan Butcher Xmas barbeque Lawrence Winder

Ballan Butcher Xmas barbeque Lawrence Winder
This space, next to the butchers will soon be a deli that Trish is opening

Ballan Butcher Xmas barbeque Lawrence Winder
Locals from the Ballan Football Club.

Ballan Butcher Xmas barbeque Lawrence Winder
It was a perfect early Summer's night for dining outside
Ballan Butcher Xmas barbeque Lawrence Winder

Ballan Butcher Xmas barbeque Lawrence Winder
...and a good way to meet others

Ballan Butcher Xmas barbeque Lawrence Winder
abundant food
Ballan Butcher Xmas barbeque Lawrence Winder
for all tastes...

Ballan Butcher Xmas barbeque Lawrence Winder

Ballan Butcher Xmas barbeque Lawrence Winder
Ballan Butcher Xmas barbeque Lawrence Winder
Robbie's Mum.. ( I think)

Ballan Butcher Xmas barbeque Lawrence Winder
and a littlie with her Dad

Ballan Butcher Xmas barbeque Lawrence Winder
Salvatore and the delectable spit-roast

Ballan Butcher Xmas barbeque Lawrence Winder

Ballan Butcher Xmas barbeque Lawrence Winder

Ballan Butcher Xmas barbeque Lawrence Winder
A barmy night.

Ballan Butcher Xmas barbeque Lawrence Winder

Ballan Butcher Xmas barbeque Lawrence Winder
Da Boyz...

Ballan Butcher Xmas barbeque Lawrence Winder
Da Boyz2 ...
Ballan Butcher Xmas barbeque Lawrence Winder

Ballan Butcher Xmas barbeque Lawrence Winder

Ballan Butcher Xmas barbeque Lawrence Winder
Ballan Butcher Xmas barbeque Lawrence Winder
and sometimes the servings were a bit daunting
Ballan Butcher Xmas barbeque Lawrence Winder

Ballan Butcher Xmas barbeque Lawrence Winder

Ballan Butcher Xmas barbeque Lawrence Winder

Thanks Salvatore and Trish, it was simply, a brilliant night.
We met people and made friends and it was an act of generosity that has made this little town closer, friendlier and more human, more livable village.
Buon Natale.


And just when you thought it safe to go back in the water…. 

Cory (Bestiality) Bernardi (Liarbril, South Aussie)  has teamed up with  Professor David (I-Want-a-Queen) Flint to promote another group of ultra-right-wing loopies to replicate the American’s loopy “Tea-Party”.
I imagine that together, they want to reproduce American gun laws, too!
A fruitful meeting of mindlessness?

It turns out that Tony (the Rabbit) Abbott (Liarbril wannabe PM) says he hasn’t read the judges' court ruling on the “Slippery Pete Affaire” and specifically the damning comments that were made about Mal (What’s –a-Lie?) Brough, (Queensland  pre-selected Liarbril.... jeez they can breed-em up there, can’t they?) but as “the Rabbit” has already said that  you can’t trust anything coming out of his mouth…… I reckon he’s read it ….or at least had it decoded  and is doing what the conservatives do best… obfuscate, deny, point-the-other-way and generally treat the issue as if it’s of supreme unimportance.
Except he is being hoisted on his own Petard of “Tell-us what-you-know-or-you’ve-got-something-to-hide” type attack. 
Another point is… as they (Liarbrils) have no policy, perhaps he genuinely has nothing to say!

“Prognostications” might be coming to pass.

We received in the (“Tardis State”, where all goes backwards) burrow this week, two pieces of interesting mail. 
One was a political postcard castigating  PM Gillard and local member Catherine King  for allegedly ripping money out of the health system.
It was authorised by a D. Mantach in Melbourne.
For pure venom and lack of substance it was also, pure Liarbril.
We returned this “Hate-Mail” to sender; being made aware a-priori, how vicious this next Federal campaign is going to be…and wondered why “Big Bird” Baillieu (Genus: Silvertail Incompetens) is still blaming every-one else for his own crews’  continued incompetence?
And giving an alert to look further than the "spin" on this issue!

Next piece of mail was from our Energy Supplier.
It was about the January price increases….. it must be getting close to the time to start marching in the streets.
Thanks, “Big Bird” for effectively closing down the wind energy farms in the “Tardis State” and allowing the Brown Coal industry its polluting monopoly.
What foresight, what imagination, what a Liarbral hero!

And a big Xmas “Thank-You” to Jeff (Bully-Boy) Kennett, failed ex premier (the Dorian Gray of Tardis State politics) for privatising our electricity system in the first place and making the complete shambles of it that we are now experiencing!


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