Sunday 21 July 2019

Appealing to the 2%

G'day Possums,

So, it's only been two months since the last election and already it feels like an eternity as The Happy-Clapper, Prosperity-Pentacostalist Anti-Christ and bogan Prime Miniature, Scummo and his Ruling Rabble struggle to find anything positive to do for the nation. 
Oh, there's prayer!

Rallying with 21,000 of the 2% he actually rules for, Scummo exhorted them and by inference, us,  for all to show more love to each other. Except of course if you are a refugee in a concentration camp, unemployed, homeless, in need of public education, health care or on a pension, as his "brand" of xtianity extols the money- lender and eschews caring for others for that is too, too socialist and besides, one's own salvation is paramount.
Oh, but we should pray about things like climate change, the drought and the great Barrier Reef's destruction ....seems that $400 million gifted to some friends, just 'aint cutting the mustard on the water matter. Yep, How Good is That, lining up with his brethren of similar fantasy ilk in the Un-united States, Scummo would like more prayer to solve things; even though they are matters better left to competent, practical and deliberate governance.

It's a joyous pity then to report that of at least ten studies into the efficacy prayer, particularly in medical situations carried out in the U-Usa, have shown that prayer is a peculiarly ineffective treatment and that "... patients who knew they were being prayed for had a higher rate of post-operative complications like abnormal heart rhythms, perhaps because of the expectations the prayers created, the researchers suggested.
But isn't it nice to know he's thinking of us at all?
Why, even at the Ruling Rabble cabal's group grope in The Deep North had thought bubbles bursting forth like apple blossoms in Spring. Thoughts which extended to A/: declaring the ABC an "enemy of the LNP" ( aka.. the Ruling Rabble) and, B/: establishing an "Office of Science Quality Assurance".
Resolution "A" is perfectly understandable. The ABC generally has commentators both on radio and TV who can impartially analyse and discuss matters of policy and state in depth and with this is at odds with the one track, tunnel visions the right-wing, neo-liberal propagandists are used to participating in on the majority of Oz media as a consequence, they feel highly irrelevant and intellectually bereft and unable to contribute much at all when such conversations occur.
Ergo... close down the ABC, problem solved!
Resolution "B" is not dissimilar. It would enable a genius like Senator, Mal-Addled Roberts to veto or ratify scientific reports handed to the government.
This would have some historical precedence such as Galileo having to submit to the C17th Roman Inquisition but less clear in the present age is the role the Pentecostal prosperity gospel will play in this farce proposed by Ms Frackingbum... and at least the Roman boys had some eduction behind them.

Further demonstrating the Ruling Rabble's empathy and understanding of those they rule, SS (Shutz staffel or Social Services, take your pick) Minister Annie The Ribald, Ruston was, having declared on right-wing radio that the pension was "generous", forced to duck numerous Zimmer frames, crutches and plates of aluminium encased food on leaving the studio but was agile enough on her way to her government chauffeured vehicle to slalom around the many menacing disability scooters whose irate drivers were intent on flattening her political future.

And then there was the Butcher of Fallujah, ex senator Molan the Grate auditioning for a reprise on QandA by blithely dismissing indigenous calls for constitutional recognition by opining that if you let them have recognition why not the Chinese , Turks, Greeks, Vietnamese etc, as well? His ignorance both intellectually and emotionally in repudiating indigenous cultural claims, was well served by his overtly selfish fascism.

Molan the Grate started a week which then provided the most excoriating example of Australia's racism, The Taking Down of Adam Goodes. This film was a compilation of Goode's career as an Aboriginal footballer, concentrating on his last two years as he was constantly booed and heckled at every game till this talented  "Australian of the Year" resigned and  left.
What was brought into clear focus was the intensity and volume of the racism stoked by such large and well funded media groups, mostly The Ugly American Murdoch's and such constant regressive voices as Miranda Devine, Andrew Bolt, Ray Hadley, Alan Jones, Steve Price, Eddie McGuire and Sam Newman who manipulated disgraceful crowd behaviour around to be the victims fault. These people are putrid examples of a corrupt media, aiding and abetting in corrupting a nation; The Murdoch legacy being wrought here as it has been in Britain and in America to these nation's detriment........ we are diminished because of them and our own stupidity.
No  wonder Denmark has banned such a vile organization from their shores.
Hoo-roo Petals,
who said the wheels aren't falling off?


  1. Two months and I'm still speechless. I thought seriously about grabbing a lift home with Clarke and Jacinda but I don't expect we Qlders are all that welcome over there either. I've got a Greens meeting this wkend which will be a chance to form a small huddle and curse Adunny.
    Does anyone out there have the words and chords to "The Eve of Destruction "?
    Commiserations and thanx for the column Wombat.

    PS: We had fireworks right on top of us on Saturday night. As the birds got their song back after the sonic shockwave ebbed, I guess we must also re-find our voices and keep making it clear : We are still here!

    1. Ta for responding K., sorry ...can't help with "The Eve of Destruction" music and lyrics.. but can supply "The Horst Wessel" if you like.
