Wednesday 10 October 2018

The Dummkopfen are Doubling Down.

G'day Petals,

This week we have seen another virtual race-to-the-bottom as the country's Ruling Rabble scramble to outbid each other in demonstrating that there is no barrier to just how stupid, anti-intellectual, unethical or corrupt they are.

"Stubborn and ardent, clinging to one's opinion is the best proof of stupidity."
Michel de Montaigne

A starter in his first race, The Gravy Train Hurdles, newly appointed race discrimination commissioner Chin Leong Tan confirmed for his connections that he was not "inclined to commentary or advocacy" and would let "clinical dispassion" and "balance" be his running orders in his $600,000.00 P.A. trifecta box. Unfortunately he fell at the first hurdle trying to avoid the hazard of whether Potato-Head Dutton's dog-whistling on African youth was racist.
But... fair suck of the Sav... he couldn't win a ruling rabble pre-selection, so he deserves a consolation prize... doesn't he?

Running soon after in the Group 3 "Jumbled Thoughts Handicap" at The Drum, was Parnell "Gibberish" McGuiness  where no-one could fail to notice her discomfort with the social saddle within the first furlong as she upped the defence of middle-class welfare to the more deserving "upper-class" when pressured by the filly Caro in the straight of the  school funding debate. Seemingly, she is a fully developed (I won't say grown up) version of Princess Daisy Cousens but as a contrarian/libertarian who rivals the intellect of Loopy Leyonhjelm, Parnell cantered off into ethical oblivion by opining that it was a good thing that drug takers died from overdoses as "... it was a victimless crime which didn't affect anyone but themselves..."  thereby proving that she should be either scratched or put out to pasture.... or perhaps be volunteered to an ambulance team picking up the pieces of victims, their family's and first responders for a month or two and then be allowed to prattle about how sanguine she feels about not having drug/needle centres.

Competing for relevance ( again... or should that be still?)  in The Middle Harbour Yacht Club Stakes was one Crackers Kelly. 
Galloping all over the track with *his pudding basin head wobbling to and fro and his eyes rolling about like two raisins in its bowl ,* Crackers' Lippizaner antics kept the "intellectuals" attending this ungrouped event entertained as he explained that fossil fuels have "kept us safe" and that "even the climate has changed in space" and that "The reality is today, we live in a time where our generation has never ever been as safe from the climate at any time in human history!"
Unfortunately for Crackers, 91 scientists from the IPCC have declared his race run! 
And as 90 % of the worlds coral reefs will die as we fast approach 1.5 degree increase in global warming, and that unless all fossil fuel usage is curtailed, we are all headed to the knackery, not just Crackers!
Protesting the stewards call on Crackers was the oxymoronically titled environment minister, (Draught Horse, division) Melissa, Pyrites Price who declared that having not read the full IPCC report that they "were drawing a long bow" by  saying Australia wasn't going to meet the Paris Accord emission targets and further, it was "...just their opinion... " that the world is entering a dangerous phase. Senior Nationals stable-hand, McCormack emerged from shovelling Barnyard's droppings to declare "...we will not be dictated to by some sort of report!" ...and scurried back into the gloom of his little stable. 
"It's all nonsense.." sermonised Scummo the Happy-Clapper Hypocrite and base-ball capped prime miniature.. and  "we have too much wind and solar in the grid " piped up the colt ( or should that be clot) for Hume, Aggie Taylor as he found what might have been a another brown paper bag to fill to ensure his continued preselection as the the demise of these bound together Dinosaurs who are determined to take us all with them to oblivion is portended in the storm clouds gathering.
Running on a different track was Stuart, Rolex Robert. 
Rolex, 'cause he purported not to know the difference between a real and fake one when gifted one "doing deals" with the Chinese. Like his boss Scummo, Rolex sees himself as a devout xtian who although criticised for state electoral fiddling and is currently under investigation for possibly defrauding the commonwealth over his internet usage and signing his dad up un-knowingly as a company director; as a good xtian he would probably have cast a benign eye over the money-lenders in the temple given his "prosperity gospel" fetish/ beliefs.

Then, a real race! 
Something made up yesterday in Sydney called Everest ( of Himalayan fame) and said to be worth $13 mill.
Well, Toilet-Boy Jones, geriatric shock-jock who apparently likes to write "nice" letters to young boys and regularly is sued for damages (and loses his employer big money) got his frilly's in a knot when Opera House CEO Herron wouldn't agree to him and his turf club mates using the Opera House as an advertising billboard for the race. 
His microphone spittle-flecked reached the whole country as he ranted at Herron like she was some underling, demanding her obedience to his wishes and threatening her position by going to the state's premier, Gladys the Bogan. 
His tirade had its effect and the lily-livered Gladys genuflected to this over-opiniated slime-ball and the event went ahead. 
But not before one man, appalled at Toilet-boys scummy behaviour and that a world heritage building was being used for advertising set up a petition which gathered some 300,000 signatures in three days and many were the inspired thousands to turn up at this crass cevent with torches and lamps to obliterate the offending  images projected on the Opera house.
As one person wrote, it's been a week when all that you thought happens is suddenly exposed as the truth that does happen: generally out of sight but this week, this scum of a ruling rabble have been exposed as never before... .. we are in a bad place petals and need to act to remedy the situation.
Hoor-roo Possums,
PS.  and now we have the prospect of freedom of religion but also their freedom to limit yours.... sigh!
 * ...* was a paraphrased sentence from 60's Sydney  columnist, Ron Saw.


  1. I despair. I think I'll find a rock to hide under till all the bloody elections are over. It is getting completely beyond a joke. The family history and tree could do with a couple of month's solid work, and as well, I discovered today that an elderly cousin who, I had been told about 5 years ago, was in a nursing home, demented, isn't and isn't!! She's very frail, but all the marbles are present and working fine, and I might have to go visit. Unfortunately she's in NSW, well north of Newcastle, which is a bit of a trek on the NSW railway (alleged) service. But it will be a better investment of time and energy than following politics for bit!

  2. Enjoy the trip, I'm quite sure her conversation would be more cogent than what we're seeing nationally atm.

  3. Not wrong, Narelle!! Investigated logistics of trip - NSW Railways need a bit of a kick-start such as VLine etc is currently getting, so trip appears unlikely. However much emailing will ensue, and that will get my eyes off the TV etc ...
