Sunday, 30 September 2018

The Shambles Further Unravels

Shane, Bound like the ABC

G'day Possums,
The Saturday Paper headlined its latest edition with "Guthrie dismissal causes chaos at the ABC",  I beg to differ. ... and replace it with "Guthrie and Milne dismissals cause further chaos in the IPA's ruling rabble quest to privatize the public broadcaster."

The week began with the ABC chairman, Gormless Milne announcing that he and the board had sacked the MD, Michelle Guthrie. 

Now for someone who has had a lifetime in the media and was a principal (where his mate ex-prime miniature Truffles made many millions) at Ozemail:  to leave a paper trail pointing at your lack of impartiality and dropping your appointee in it ....and for an ex film editor / film company owner not to able to give a cogent interview to very soft questions in which your answers expose your lies, rather begs the question..... particularly as he and his plotters demonstrated such inept handling with this coup and excised a plethora of entrails for the press to divine... just how suitable was he for the job ? 
A job where he is to support and defend the organization, not kow-tow to political pressure.

...after the cream...
So the mayhem begins... Fifi Fifield is apparently informed Sunday night.  Milne apparently tells Scummo Monday morning.....and the Oz, The Ugly American's  Herpes of the press was tipped off, what ....Sunday night, too?
Good grief, these mongrels can't even lie about managing to do a coup properly!
"The chairman of the ABC reportedly told sacked managing director Michelle Guthrie to fire presenter Emma Alberici after former prime minister Malcolm Truffles Turnbull complained about her reporting.
The instruction came in an email from Chairman Milne to Guthrie in May, Fairfax Media reported on Wednesday.

"They [the government] hate her," Mr Milne wrote.
"We are tarred with her brush. I think it's simple. Get rid of her. We need to save the ABC - not Emma. There is no guarantee they [the coalition] will lose the next election."
The comments were reportedly circulated to members of the ABC board a week before Ms Guthrie was sacked on Monday.   Who are now complicit in this political assassination
Scummo: "The ABC Board is independent!"
In May Truffles sent a list of concerns to ABC news director Gaven Morris about Ms Alberici's coverage of the government."
Probyn (ABC chief political reporter) and Faine (774) have apparently been "discussed" by this politically tainted board as well!   Tom Ballard has his program removed ostensibly for language but really for its anti government satire and JJJ is directed to be "monstered" for showing sensitivity to Indigenous people's feelings....Well, well, well... who'da thought that the ruling rabble and IPA  would censor free speech?
Portrait of editorial independence as defined by the IPA

"Some of the ABC board members appointed by the communications minister, Fifi Fifield, were chosen despite being rejected by the merit-based panel, according to documents obtained by Guardian Australia. All five of the appointments since 2015 were direct recommendations by Fifi. In a week that has seen the national broadcaster sack its managing director, and lose its chairman, in the fallout, scrutiny is now shifting to the ABC board and the calibre of its eight directors. Of these, two did not go through the nomination panel; two were considered but not recommended by the panel and were still appointed by the minister; and one was deemed by the panel to be “very suitable” but withdrew before the final recommendations, only to be then urged directly by the minister to accept a place." Source: ABC News
contemporary viewing

"A very talented woman"....wrote one ruling rabble shill on FB, extolling the virtues of Scummo's appointment for an interim chair. “Dr Ferguson began her career by joining the military at 17 years old.... became the dux of her Royal Australian Air Force graduating class at ADF, going on to study law at the Queensland University of Technology. After leaving the RAAF, she began working in a management role at a large corporate law firm while she completed her degree.  She completed a PhD in corporate culture, leadership and governance, and has previously been awarded a Sir Winston Churchill Fellowship and has been named the Australian Institute of Management's Brisbane Young Manager of the Year.
In 2014, the Australian Financial Review named her as one of Australia's 100 Women of Influence.”
"....and knows F**k all about television, radio, entertainment, reportage, programming, presentation and audience.  Eminently unqualified!" I replied. 
A Phd in corporate culture? 
".....the new acting chair of the ABC, Kirstin Ferguson, was the head of the ethics committee at Leighton Holdings when a whistleblower disclosed to her serious allegations of foreign bribery.  She buried the report and the whistleblower was sacked.  This case will return to court on October 22 when former senior executive Peter Gregg faces criminal charges of falsifying books and records." Kaye Lee: The AIM Network 
Haven’t we seen enough of that from the RC into Banking and Finance and will undoubtedly see similar from the RC into aged care?
I suppose Petals what this messy week has exposed in just one organization is just how pervasive, destructive, venal, dishonest and damaging this ruling rabble is to anything of value to the nation as a whole which doesn't promote its neo-liberal agenda:  and it comes at no surprise to me although I am probably drawing a long bow here, that suicide figures for Australia released this week show that nationally it is up around by 10% yet here in what was The Tardis State (Where-Everything-Went-Backwards) the suicide rate has dropped by 10%. Could it be that a State government creating a positive mood with long overdue infrastructure programs, creating jobs, building schools, a progressive medical approach and looking after regional areas has, by pointing out a future and actively providing hope for the community, is creating a healthier society?
900mm of Pasties for Grand Final

Nahh, that's not what the IPA 's  Coot's-With-Queer-Ideas-From-a-Parallel-Universe envision. That was best exemplified by their vacuous fascist princess, the preening Daisy Cousens who at a recent wank-fest for libertarian "thinkers" (an oxymoron, I  know) put forward intellectually, as far a she could for a failed tap-dancer and probably looking into a mirror at a visage already showing signs of her hard right utterances, the "research" that Right-Wing-Nut-Jobs are prettier than "Lefties!"    Now, how that observation will serve the National interest Princess Daisy only knows. This gem was more than equalled by the news from The Notional's Deputy Leader, Annie-Oakley McKenzie that Captain Cook arrived here to discover Oz  a full 8 years after he had been given "the chop" by the Hawaiins. This was greeted with huge disappointment from PM du jour, Scummo, who firmly believes HE is the second coming or at least the christ almighty for Cronulla! He in turn, announced that having two days to celebrate The Nation's Birthday, Australia Day and an Indigenous Day was just the happy-clapper gospel to unify a divided country. Annie Oakly could be excused for her historical ineptitude though, as she was likely too busy organizing thousands of dollars of RAAF flight timetables to ferry her around the country to sporting events..... a practice obviously well taught by her ex boss the philandering Tomato-Faced, Barnyard Joyce!
Unravelling it is Petals, you just can't make this stuff up.
PS the Magpies lost in the last minutes.


  1. I laughed, then wept, then went straight for the grog cabinet. I mean, FFS, wombat! Another seven or eight months of this grotesque farce!

  2. The response you'd expect ...:-))))
