Thursday 4 April 2019

A Surplus of Lies

G'day Possums,
C5th Greek dramatist Aeschylus, was the first to say that "In war, truth is the first casualty"  anticipating in great measure the creations of our current Ruling Rabble, its faux intellectual base, "The-Coots-With-Queer-Ideas-From-a-Parallel-Universe," aka the IPA and its propaganda wing led by The Ugly American, Murdoch and also aided and abetted by various other media cabals like Channels 7, 9 and 10 who all deliberately trivialize and mis-inform the public as to the state of the nation.
Or should that be, a satire of a country?

Following the filming of the farcical misadventures of The Red Terror's No Notion Head Clown, 
Ashby The Sleaze and the Deep North's Miniatur-Fuhrer, Dropkick Dickson embarrassing the nation
with their clumsily inept attempts to ingratiate themselves with another fascisit organisation in the
Un-united States,  the NRA and the Koch brothers praying that filthy lucre would come their way by 
promising to water down our gun laws, their dictator Poorlean-Please-Explain, Hanson garbled her 
way through a presser with much misplaced righteous anger by shooting the messenger 
(because that's what you do with Al-Jazzeera Mussies, inn-it?) and boringly, again played the innocent victim 
with claims it was all a "set-up" and although Dropkick evinced all the emotional intelligence of an 
11 year old fantsist thug by wanting to "....Machine-Gun bathers from a beachside mansion ..." 
and The Sleaze admitted to " emotion at all..." (and for that matter, should have added, intelligence), 
they were mostly innocent and Scummo Morrison "...was a fool..., the ABC was without morals.. 
for running the programs..." and the Port Arthur Massacre which forced the restrictive gun laws 
was "..a government conspiracy..." because she'd read it in a blue book, which unlike herself, 
wasn't very thick. 
Unbelievably, all this said by a Senator for Queensland and her staff, proving that 
shit, also rises to the top.
"We're in the black, we're in the black" chorussed the Ruling Rabble "...and we've lowered 
taxes, too..." responded Fiction's Frydenberg, their pretend Treasurer.

Dominus Vobiscum... Et cum spiritu tuo.

Thus, in the beginning began the budget surplus. Not, as many are saying, on the underspending of 
billions of dollars on welfare services but on "prudent, careful" economic management, giggled and 
smirked the Ruling Rabble. 
That government debt, six years on, is now twice what it was when Labor "...had a debt and deficit 
disaster..." how can we now have a surplus? 

"Simple", say the Ruling Rabble "You're wrong or You're a liar. Our surplus starts next year so we 
have announced it now to make you feel good."
"You're wrong or You're a liar... that $180,000,000.00 we wasted on Christmas Island was a saving."
"You're wrong or You're a liar, all those roads and fast rail plans in knife-edge electorates is not 
Pork-Barrel bribery it's prudent economic management to save our skins."
"You're wrong or You're a liar, of course we can make financial forecasts 15 years ahead?"
"You're wrong or You're a liar... the NBN is a beautiful set-up ....and we don't need electric cars, 
but we do need more coal-fired power stations... and we're saving Medicare.... from itself and who 
cares about the environment or the Arts? 

And so it goes Petals... their "surplus" is perfection whilst Labor's bigger projected surplus is derided 
by the Ugly American's comics as The Magic Pudding... time will tell which "truth" this war will kill.

Hoo-roo Possums,


  1. I wouldn't yet shout it far and wide but it seems clear that we are verging on a (muted hush) change of govt.Yay! Nor can I vouch for any of the main contenders, considering they all dropped the pie 3years ago.Bah! This time around there is barely a soul left to bribe. Every sector has become bogged off and the rush for the exits has been a rowdy crush.
    Considering the calibre of the remaining thugs and bandits, is it too early to raise our sights for a record breaking belting of the incumbents? Probably but these particular Liberal lickspittles and their National nobodies (+1Baaanaby) have been going hard to take the title Landslide.
    Give this circus another week to reach full flare. There are plenty of acts old and new still to humour us.
    The latest I've noted is that Indian sahib Mal Roberts from Gun Notion imploring the businesses of coal town Clermont to raise their meagre population. Not to burrow more black dinosaur dust or spend more of their southern bucks. He wants to close the cafes; barricade the bowsers. Let's see how those protestors feel when they can't spend on lattés or fuel to leave. He's a thinker!

    1. Do you think "the End Times" was meant to look like this?
