Thursday 8 November 2018

The Authentic Magical Mystery Tour

Shane's Bus

G'day Possums,

We are so lucky in this luckiest of a lucky country. We have been belled oops, bountifully appointed with anointed political officers who are ever ready to make themselves available to meet the people they so blessed to serve.... no matter how far out of sight and/or mind  they really are.

Prime Miniature du Jour, Scummo,  for instance has just completed what could be likened to a truncated Oral Roberts tour to the natives of The Deep North, spreading the word of his prosperity gospel and demonstrating at every moment his genuine suburban authenticity as a counterpoint to the evils of The Red Terror, Hanson's Noe Notion Party.
In the same vein as the late Roberts and using, in lieu, The "I Ching," as my copy of the Bible evaporated many years ago: I opened it at a random page to seek guidance as to Scummo's progress:  Hexagram 39.  Obstruction.  "Difficulties and obstructions throw a man back on himself. While the inferior man seeks to put the blame on other persons, bewailing his fate, the superior man seek the error within himself, and through this introspection the external obstacle becomes for him an occasion for inner enrichment and education."
Window, Footscray.

How serendipitously apt... for remember how Scummo's first pre-selection went "pear shaped"  at 82-8 and was then miraculously reversed:  and how earlier on being sacked from Tourism Australia he is afforded a generous payout, and more recently how his unalloyed support of the besieged Truffles, again, miraculously lands him in the Top-Job?  
Even as Commandant of our regional concentration camps it wasn't Scummo's fault that people were suicidal but Labor's, and it wasn't his fault that all around him were telling lies about the camp's conditions. 
Why, even his rival for the Top-Job, Rabid-the-Hun is on the record as noting these places are a wonderful place  for a holiday!
Spilt Milk or Putting Your Foot in It.

Scummo's  commitment to has flock is such that ever mindful of reaching his people his empty tour bus is over-flown by his RAAF flight so that next morning the bus can be utilized as a temporary pulpit from which to descend and spread the word that salvation is nigh.... as long as you're not LGBTQQIA, Labor, Green, want penalty rates , Medicare, honest banks, a genuine public service, a proper NBN, a funded NDIS not a "kitty" for farmers, a funded CSIRO  and a funded ABC!
Another Tourist Train.
Having spent quite some energy lambasting Labor's Willie Shortstuff  traveling all over the country during the past 12 months for his old fashioned Town Hall meet and greets, the Ruling Rabble has decided that actually talking to disparate plebians might provide some advantageous publicity.... but knowing their utter disdain for "the great unwashed" who are not IPA members they will probably go to the central casting bureau they used last election to provide some Types: "working", safety vest, overalls, boots (sans Rolex and manicured nails)  nurse, uniform, just-do-it 1/2 smile, "pensioner": Unlined, semi-attractive, slim (Julie Bishop), "Busy Working Mum" 30-ish, 21/2 children (optional 1/2) middle-class, with small 4WD in mock Georgian house, to attend their vetted meeting with vetted questions and "canned" applause. 
It's happening already Petals:  Sabra Lane today on ABC's nobbled "AM" spent the last 10 minutes of the program sounding like she was reading a prepared set of questions for Ozone-Hole Hunt's (now the deliriously incompetent minister of sickness)  factotum Trenty Zimmerframe, who announced yet another enquiry to further the pretence of caring and looking active, not their usual moribund selves. 
This one is allegedly about sleep patterns for workers . 
Possibly to find a way around penalty rates for shift workers, particularly nurses and "fireys."
Factory, Footscray.

One thing that is certain in all this. It is that The Ruling Rabble's mendacity, cupidity and corruption IS authentic and all fatuous variations on a theme of care for the suburban plight has as much truthfulness as Arbiet Macht Frei had for the souls that passed beneath its falsehood.

Hoo-roo Possums,


  1. Not commenting any more just now - it has all got so completely surreal, one scarcely knows where to start. And wtf is Scummo doing with his fly-drive tour of Qld when there is a Victorian election in a week or 2, and a NSW one in a month or 2? We all know the state pollies don't particularly want him around, but you might have thought, with his marketing (aka professional lying) background, that maybe ... No, stop it, you can't make this stuff up, and it makes NO sense, or anything else, for that matter ... Back to the interstices of the State Library and the family history etc - much more rewarding, not to say diverting, these days!!
