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Shane in Naqib |
with Rabid-the-Hun’s malign IPA rabble to drop
humanitarian bombs creating a real budget crisis.
But more of
that later in “Wombat Droppings.”
Here, because it’s
been “World Ballet Day” or something…
some more from the last session in class at Ballet Theatre Australia…
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Ballet Theatre of Australia, Class |
… and something for spring; some Jonquils from the Wombat’s
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Jonquils |
Wombat Droppings
A Chronicle Detailing
Disappearing Egalitarianism of Oz.
So now we are at war
again in the Middle East.
“No we’re not,….it’s a Humanitarian Mission”
stutters Prime Miniature, Rabid-the-Hun.
No… it’s not to
support American Oil Companies to protect their assets, “…it’s to degrade the
evil death cult ISIS and stop its terrorism and killing of people.”
We will commit these
“Humanitarian Acts” by dropping bombs on people, too.
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Rabid-the-Hun |
Chiming in with his
even-more-rabid-than-he colleagues, Peta “Bloody-Idiot” Credlin (his C of S),
Cory “Bestiality” Bernardi, Bronwen
“Pompadour-Kerosene Bath” Bishop and PUP Senator, Jackie “Tassie-Wing-Nut”
Lambie, Rabid-the-Hun opined that “he too, found the Burqa, confronting.”
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Bestiality Bernardi |
After everyone had
stopped laughing, particularly in the light of his penchant for displaying as
much as his genitalia as possible with clothing on: in his “Budgie Smugglers”
and his cycling Lycra. We found out that women wearing the Burqa had, by the
Speaker Bishop and her Senate compatriot The Once Honourable Stephen
Parry, been segregated when visiting Parliament to being placed behind a glassed
in area specifically used for noisy schoolchildren.
It seems these women
so attired, are a security risk.
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Bronwen Bishop |
I can only surmise
that the Opera singer’s daughter didn’t like the costume and that he ex-copper
was only trying to further embalm the truth like his fellow Senator Brandis.
It finally occurred
to these Right-Wing paragons of intelligence, freedom, fair play and social
harmony that A/ if the Burqa attired Women were indeed a security risk why
would you place them with children? B/ did this little frolic contravene both
the Racial discrimination and the Sex Discrimiation Acts? And C/ was it
religiously intolerant and undemocratic?
Some unkind souls
offered Rabid-the-Hun a Burqa…. to cover the Egg on his face.
The much vaunted,
“Budget Crisis” will really happen because it’s now needed to fund a war.
War is not a crisis.
Welfare, education,
health, superannuation and pensions and social harmony are.
It was interesting to
note that ex-liarbril and fellow traveller of “Coot’s-With-Queer-Ideas-from-a-Parallel-Universe”
(IPA) Timmy “Twat-Freedom-Man” Wilson was again nowhere to be heard on this
It’s amazing what
$330,000.00 p.a. doesn’t buy you.
In speaking of
Georgie “Bookshelves” Brandis… “Sotto Voce” of course, it now seems that our spy
and security forces are not allowed to torture suspects, although what
“torture” is exactly hasn’t been defined. But they will be able to arrest
anyone publicly criticising their operational matters… e.g. reporting things
like the bungled training raid in Melbourne some years back in a prominent
hotel that involved Vic Police… or the raid on the Lawyer assisting Timor-Leste
in its struggle for a fairer deal on its Oil reserves (actually, it’s to
protect “Little Johnnie” Howard and then Foreign Minister, Alex
“Things-That-Batter-Fish-Nets” Downer from prosecution?) or even perhaps the
rumours that ASIO’s new “secure” headquarters in Canberra have already been
compromised by Chinese Intelligence.. will land you in prison.
Geez, where’s Timmy
”Twat-Freedom-Man” when ya need ’im
It's the cynical erosion of trust by the
right-wingers that has irreparably damaged the country.
They’ve been “grooming” the public for years… a touch
here a touch there.. and now it’s time for the ”kill.”
The Liarbril pandering to the banalities of the
Aspirational Bogan has brought its obvious reward in the Islamaphobia presently
being witnessed.
Now, on so many levels, this place that was once
admired throughout the world for its levels of acceptance and candour is now
seen as foolish, narrow minded and cruel.
Thank you, Liarbrils and your lick-spittle IPA
fellow-travellers for having only the vision of your donors at heart…lowest
common denominator of medieval fuedalism.
The crux, of all this as expressed by America’s most successful
investor Warren Buffet: "There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my
class, the rich class, that’s making the war, and we’re winning."
is more of a threat because he has supporters within the “Bogan Aspirational”
community and the backing of powerful vested interests.
His is the passport
which should be cancelled.
His consorting with
right wing “Tea-Party” ideologues in America is only damaging Australia’s
future and its international reputation.
Hoo-roo Possums,
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