Once as a middling nation remember being able to hold our
heads up world-wide and be heard for impartial sober advice? Not now. The ASPIRATIONAL BOGANS are in
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Shane at Ballarat Showgrounds |
G'day Possums,
Mrs Wombat and I recently popped out of the burrow and up
to Ballarat to the market to re-stock with some of the very good hand-made soap
sold there.
I wondered what I was going to photograph and why, and vaguely
entertaining the thought of looking for parallels for the Wombat Droppings’ rant.
When this presented itself ….
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Ballrat Showgrounds, Australian Child crying.. |
And Wombat Droppings’ Chronicle of the Demise of
Egalitarian Australia became apparent.
Bronwen backs down on Burqa ban in parliament but balks at
being clear about why such a decision was made in the first place… wouldn’t
have anything to do with Rabid-the-Hun’s meeting with new Indonesian Prez
Widodo would it? Or that Rabid didn’t need to give the Indonesian any more to
belt Oz about the ears with; like illegal incursions into Indon waters by Oz
Navy cruelly returning refugees to their jump off point?
Then we saw these young people making a fine noise and on approaching to say what was happening was told that as all the mother's were not there to give their approval this pic couldn't be posted.... hmmm... perhaps they should have a sign saying "no photographs" or "that this is not a public space and we are not on show" or, they could all wear Burqa's or perhaps just play a record with no-one there?
P.C. gone mad or "Helicopter Mums" in full flight?... whatever.... no wonder Rabid-the-Hun get's votes!
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Healthy religious ammunition |
Rabid-the-Hun will not send medical staff to fight the Ebola epidemic. Peter “Enema” Dutton (Liarbril, alleged Health Minister) says it’s not in our region yet and we’ll wait till it is.
Just like Iraq is next to South Australia and the Ukraine is
only slightly North of Perth!
Perhaps they should talk to “The Drone” Morrison’s Born-Again
Friends (no, not the paedophile ones) at Hillside and Catch the Fire Ministry’s
to send their Faith Healers to strut their powerful stuff?
The science of Climate Change is crap, this lot say …let’s
see if that works.
Medibank Private is also on the market. No longer will the profits
benefit all Australians, they will now go to a limited number of shareholders
and with it’s sale, the brake on rising Insurance costs will be broken and it
will further the imperil the Medi-Care systems ability to contain costs.
Which is what the
“Coot’s-With-Queer-Ideas-From-a-Parallel-Universe” want in their Free-Market
Frolic: to destroy Australia’s social contract.
And now, the final irony.. today (21-10-14) the architect of Australia's noted free health system, free University education, recognition of China, and many other reforms has died. Vale Gough Whitlam: we'll not see your like again.
One only hopes that Rabid-the-Hun and his venal rabble do not attend his funeral as the hypocrisy of these unimaginative destroyers being there would be too obvious and in such bad taste!
It was interesting to note one of The Ugly American's minions Greg Sheridan on radio, playing the right-wing troll even before the corpse has even cooled in the grave.
Vicious, nasty and tasteless is what these cretins do best. What a sad place this Oz has become with these amoeba in power.
And now, the final irony.. today (21-10-14) the architect of Australia's noted free health system, free University education, recognition of China, and many other reforms has died. Vale Gough Whitlam: we'll not see your like again.
One only hopes that Rabid-the-Hun and his venal rabble do not attend his funeral as the hypocrisy of these unimaginative destroyers being there would be too obvious and in such bad taste!
It was interesting to note one of The Ugly American's minions Greg Sheridan on radio, playing the right-wing troll even before the corpse has even cooled in the grave.
Vicious, nasty and tasteless is what these cretins do best. What a sad place this Oz has become with these amoeba in power.
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Terror Australis |
Arfur “Da Spiv” Sinodinas has had a five page faux apologia
in “The Age, Good Weekend” (Jane Cadzow,18-10-14)
I’m not sure it will help his cause in returning to a senior
position with Joe "Cereal/Toyota Killer" Hockey and Mathius “Horse-Shite” Coormann
and assisting in dismantling what’s left of Australia’s economy.
Mummy’s boy, Arfur “Da Spiv” comes across as a political
dilettante in whom a sense of self preservation and entitlement seems paramount.
Jumping ship when “Little Johnnie” Howard was going
“On-the-Nose” to feather his own nest in a Corporate World, Arfur, who is
“…resourceful and savvy..” get’s mixed
up with Eddie Obied.
Now, I would have thought that if I, in my Wombat Burrow down
here in Vic knew “interesting” stories about Eddie “O” then a New South Welshman like Arfur (who, sort of running in the same circles though on the opposite side)
would, too. Accepting 5% share in
“Sydney Water Holdings” and a director’s fee of $200,000.00 for 25-45 hours
work a year with a possible pay-off of $20,000,000.00 from the Sydney taxpayer
might make you think all is not quite kosher!
Council assisting the Royal Commissioner seems to have Arfur
neatly summed up when responding to Arfur’s defense of his onerous hours and
spruiking at social functions, he said, ”What, should we add on 90 seconds over
a Gin and Tonic to the other 45 hours a year?”
Arfur’s capacity of ”…absorbing a mass of detail” seems,
sadly to have disappeared with his 60,
“I don’t remember / recollect” during the Royal Commission as did his
credibility for re-entering parliament (for a Senators paltry $141,000.00) “I want to
work on something big and important.. larger than myself” and “Always doing the
right thing.” Particularly when attending a meeting as State Treasurer of the
Liarbril Party and Finance Committee Chairman and didn’t hear that developer
monies as donations were not allowed under state law was being discussed.
Arfur… you stink!
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Oohh, what going on there in that dark place or Where's Arfur? |
...and this lady had a very deft hand in cutting out stencils... much practice,me'thinks...
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Dylan at Espresso Mobile Cafe I was really impressed with this set-up.. functional, neat, a compact mobile great idea and design... www.cafemobile.com.au |
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