Sunday 29 July 2018

Nein, Nein, Nein!

G'day Possums,
we're a bit late with this episode as we wanted to wait for the results in the bye-elections.

The supposedly "Knife-edge" seats in the Deep North weren't,  the WA pair, because the Ruling Rabble decided not to turn up were solid Labor and the Downer Duchy of Mayo has again revolted, this time more decisively to retain an independent, causing The Gorgon's daddy, Fishnets-That-Batter to complain that the peasants were very rude because "....they are new to here...." before whisking away in his Maserati.  The Gorgon herself in the best intellectualism of her IPA and Gina Rinehart funded secret society ($4.5 Mill... some charity) announced in defeat that she would put herself forward again as a candidate at next year's general election, proving that when the IPA fall in a hole all they want is to keep on digging.
Gina the Munificent... not just a pretty face.
It's a salient point too; the IPA is becoming very much on-the-nose. With Ruling Rabble "policy" having been lifted wholesale from the Le Jongleur Roskam's bible of deceit and more widely being viewed as "policy" not in the country's best interests;  with so many of their apparatchiks perched on the government benches like Quisling Gargoyles waiting to flay more flesh from the body politic, it looks as though the- times-are-a-changing.

And perhaps not.

Nine Entertainment has bought Fairfax newspapers which despite assertions that editorial integrity and fearless reporting will remain its hallmark it's difficult to disagree with ex PM Keating's observation that "...the pus of the Nine carbuncle will eventually seep through..." the Fairfax newsroom. And adding insult to public injury Fifi Fifield, The Ugly American, Murdoch's Communications Toy-Boy and IPA parliamentary representative stated that the merger would actually enhance media diversity.
(IPA logic?  3-2 = 4)
What I think Fifi was getting at was that the consolidation of right-wing media (making Australian media one of the most consolidated in the world) will allow for more diverse right-wing content with only "bit" players like The Saturday Paper and The Guardian to offer a print alternative. The ABC is also a loser in this as they had enjoyed some good joint investigative work with Fairfax and it is unlikely that this will continue and will come under further sustained attack by the commercials. Because forget not, ... FIFI used to work for the most  incompetent Ruling Rabble Treasurer (excepting the current imbecile), Peter Costello who now happens to be Chairman of Nine!
It was an article in The AIMN face-book blog on Italy during the latter stages of WW2 which I think it apt to quote here
Sudanese fighting at MCG

Fascism had reduced [those men] to silence for twenty years, and [those men] explained to us that Fascism was not only a clownish and improvident misrule but the negator of justice; it had not only dragged Italy to an unjust and ill-omened war, but it had arisen and consolidated itself as the custodian of a detestable legality and order, based on the coercion of those who work, on the unchecked profits of those who exploit the labour of others, on the silence imposed on those who think and do not want to be slaves, and on systematic and calculated lies.”  Primo Levi
Sounds familiar doesn't it?
Hoo-roo petals


  1. Gina couldn't get into a Maserati.
    Downer won no friends with it. Should have used his wife's shopping car. Obvs never read a thing about Marie Antoinette.

  2. ..and if he had (read about M A), ... he wouldn't have understood it! But an interesting observation about nature vs nurture and how the apple has fallen close to the tree.
