Sunday 5 August 2018

Our Eroded Democracy...

G'day Possums,
The Murdochracy of the Ugly American is ramping up its venomous assault on Labor after the bye-election results didn't do the ruling rabble any favours.

This week alone, snide comments and asides from ABC  "news-readers" and panels loaded with right-wing commentators have been added to with copious airtime afforded to "Buzzfeed" Blimp, Alice Workman via the ABC's The Drum and Insiders to  hammer Emma Husar into the dirt over what seem to be pretty minor office civility infractions particularly when compared to similar activity in Michaelia, The Harpy Cash's office. Except in Cash's case, it isn't a newly arrived Yankee online gossip sheet digging dirt but the Australian Federal Police who are finally talking with the Dept of Public Prosecutions about criminal behaviour emanating from The Harpy's Office which, allegedly, they have been investigating for months. (Psst they the AFP are STILL investigating Kathy Jackson's apparently light fingered touch on union finances three years after they have started...)

Also being diminished in public consciousness by these  Buzzfeed irrelevancy's is the effective privatisation of not only the public service but also the CSIRO Marine Division with Truffles and his hapless Non-Environment minister Fictions Frydenberg unbelievably beau-gesting $444,000,000.00 to an almost unknown outfit of six people to "Save-The-Barrier-Reef" by putting umbrellas over it.
It's ironic isn't it? Let's save the Barrier Reef and destroy democracy at the same time by gifting $1/2 Billion to your business mates...???? Pure IPA agenda. Pure IPA desiccated thinking where civil society is a commodity to be purchased to make a profit. And let's assume, too the money is not returned under "commercial-in-confidence" bullshit as party-political donations in 12 months time....

Truffles and his inept Health Minister Pangloss, Hunt have been brought undone in attempting to "sell" the benefits of a digitised health record system by a health bureaucrat telling journalists that the pair's assertions that the system was secure was wholly innacurate. Thus providing another fine example not only of the Ruling Rabble's fiscal but policy incompetence as well.

In a moment of delicious schadenfreude and karma Sydney Shock-Jock Ray Hadley whose "Tough-on-Crime" and more severe sentencing regime diatribes regularly assault the ears of our northern neighbours, often accompanied, aided and abetted by ex prime miniature Rabid-the-Hun, Hadley blubberingly announced publicly that his policeman son had been "done" for Cocaine possession.
Now Petals, don't think I'm not sympathetic to the sons alleged "mental and addiction problems" , I am....(except, if I'd been caught "in possession" and pleaded mental health I'm pretty sure I'd stlil be incarcerated in goal) but when these mongrel lying right-wing would-be opinion setters, these vile castigators of the unemployed and homeless are found to have not just feet of clay but are wholly composed of mud then, good, bloody good!  Feel the hate for all you poisonous rantings,Hadley.

And before you go please read this beautifully written and heartfelt plea by Richard Flanagan.... 

(copy and paste into your browser)
Hoo-roo Possums,


  1. A number of extremely apposite articles in The Sat Paper yesterday. Wonder if any of it will get outside the already converted. Could be interesting to see what transpires with the nonsense going on with the SA Royal Commission. And even old Bookshelves interpreted as having a crack at Benito! Good to see!

  2. I fear the preponderance of The Ugly American's white noise will diffuse any real opposition to the IPA cant!
