Enough is enough! |
G'day Petals,
It's not often we publicly experience the how & what manners in which the Scummo of Marketing's led Ruling Rabble-IPA-Hellsong cabal, act and think privately.
It may have taken the justifiable ire of thousands of women (and men) around the Australia to force a demonstration of this Ruling Rabble's ethical shallowness and the utter contempt they hold for those who are disgusted by the truths of the cultural and social "norms" they so blithely tolerate and practice; but force their hand, they did.
Fueled somewhat by an ABC expose' into the priapic party-boys of the Ruling Rabble, the newer revelations surrounding the staffer wanting redress for allegedly being raped in parliament just before the last federal election mounted:How could it be that Scummo himself was "unaware"? Was it true the alleged rapist had left the country? How and by whose authority (Potato-Head, Dutton)had he vanished during a pandemic? Why hasn't he been interviewed (AFP & fellow Hellsong Traveller, Fuller)? Will the other four women who allege suffering similarly by his actions be interviewed? Will the list collated by female journalists of which parliamentarians to avoid being alone with in their offices be made public? Who authorised the "cleaning" of the sofa scene, (Horseshite Cormann)? Did her minister (Trooper, Reynolds) treat her sensitively (calling her a "lying Cow") and shove her off to that well known font of compassion (The Harpy, Cash) to be later, "let go"... before Trooper, suddenly feeling unwell makes a tearful exit from parliament to hide in hospital?

The Rabble's facade begins to crack as constructs and timelines unravel, the excuses/justifications/spin become less plausible, so selected Murdochratic minions are backgrounded to spread false trails and innuendo about the victim, family and the male friend assisting her when a small broadside from Grace Tame blows Scummo's faux empathy well into the Rapture.
Asked at a Press Club interview what she thought of Scummo of Marketing allegedly seeking his wife's advice "...to think of his daughters...," Tame replied simply, that being a father or having daughters was not conditional for having either morals, ethics or a conscience.
The Murdocracy wilfully choose to report this as a direct attack on Scummo!
But worse was about to surface: a dossier some 35(?) pages from a woman recently suicided had been sent to selected Ruling Rabble and Labor people alleging she had been analy raped 30 years before by someone now very senior in the Ruling Rabble heirarchy.
At this point Petals, hubris, mendacity, moral turpitude, dissimulation and the Good-Ol-Boys, Members of The Big Swinging Dicks Club arise into clearer view and coalesce into one rancid, foetid accretion of Ruling Rabble existence.
In the schtumm vacuum that ensues finger-pointing, date analysis, network details and school ties are all forensically examined and as the noose tightens, The Attorney General, The un-Christian Porter "outs" himself as the innocent victim, the alleged anal rapist of all this mayhem.
"I-did-nuffin-guvna." whimpers the Un-Christian one, who says he hasn't read the dossier or met the woman in question for years...
Later dis-proven.
"He's innocent," bleats Scummo, who hasn't read the dossier either, " 'cause it wasn't in the same room."
Which at this juncture, you really could ask, What does this bloke ever, ever, do apart from photo-promo's?
Porter goes on "vigourously defensive" sick leave..... so sick can only manage to employ some high legal fliers and brief them on sueing the ABC for defamation. His priapic japes had earlier been sanctioned by then prime miniature, Truffles as a security risk and the aforementioned program didn't mention the alleged anal rape.
Got that? Ok, Shadduppaya face!
This is what The Ruling Rabble-IPA-Hellsong cabal call freedom of the press, speech and expression.
True to form, selected minions of the Murdochracy are backgrounded on the dead woman's mental state, history, and find access to those papers seemingly not available to the AG Porter or Scummo of Marketing. Just remember, this is the same outfit who tapped a murdered girl's phone and withheld information from British police and also hacked celebrity phones for salacious profit.
Shouting, bellowing, ranting and singing, "Enough is Enough" protest marchers kicked off by Janine Hendry erupt all around the country for women to be listened to..and believed, except Scummo of Marketing, doesn't! Neither does his Minister for Women, Handmaid Payne of Arrogance; and the few Handmaid Rabblers who do attend the Canberra gathering only bemoan the fact that the organisers declined Scummo's "..exciting.." offer of a private audience for two or three to genuflect to the great man.
Interestingly, the alleged anal rapist, Porter's second and estranged (seperated?) wife attended the Perth march.
In parliament Scummo later paraphrases a "joke" made years ealier by Timmy The IPA Twat, Wilson about "turning fire-hoses on demonstrators" when he says, "The women should be thankful they live in a vibrant democracy where protesters aren't being shot!" ... and directs his rabble to turn their backs on all Labor speakers, particularly women, abuses parliamentary privilege by constantly shutting down question-time and annoints The Harpy, Cash who refused to co-operate with a police enquiry into her office and hid behind white-boards, as stand-in, Attorney General...I mean, satire is dead with these people...and they are getting well beyond Kafka!
If this doesn't ring some bells Petals, nothing will!
On a brighter note: The Ruling Rabble has been virtually wiped out in the West Australian state election, Scummo saying it's state's matters... many think not. It's this rotten, incompetent IPA-Hellsong cabal, that's the core of a growing national disquiet....against a coalescence of mendacity masquerading as a government.
Hoo-roo Petals,