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Shane on Straya Day |
G'day Possums,
I've been spending a bit of time by the seaside and Bay taking pics for a competition so they are peppered through today's rant.
All of them were shot on the lowest ISO I could set: 50 and I also had a neutral density filter washing off 8 stops so that I could achieve the slow shutter speed necessary for the types of reflections I wanted off the water in bright sunlight. Most exposures were around f22 @1/2 second.
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Melbourne from Pt Ormond |
So it's Australia Day... or Invasion Day if you think the indigenous inhabitants were dispossessed from their land but whichever side of the fence you're on the country is now in a decline from which it will take generations to recover.
Because the most incompetent ruling rabble ever in this country to have a pretense of governing, has in the past 2 1/2 years virtually wiped out heavy manufacturing; the result of this lack of capacity means that Australia can now be classified as the newest of 143 countries to be termed "Third World."
What an achievement!
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Water Reflections |
Malcon "Truffles" Turdball-Fop, our newest of 6 Prime Miniature's in 5 years has told that we are in the most exciting of times and that we are going to be very innovative, creative and wildly successful.
Which is difficult for some of us to believe as he's still following the policy agenda written by the "Coots-With-Queer-Ideas-From-a-Parallel-Universe" (IPA). Ripping apart public education, ripping apart Medicare, ripping apart the ABC, the CSIRO, Defense Building, Environmental Standards, Alternative energy development, outsourcing the public service to Thailand, sacking tax office investigators, failing to chase up the 600 companies who pay no tax and literally selling off the farm to the Chinese and developing new Coal Mines.
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Port Phillip from Elwood Canal |
No nation became advanced without a balanced economy of food and material production which balanced with trade. Every nation which relies on raw material export for its prosperity is wholly vulnerable to market forces.
Which is exactly what the Quislings of the IPA promulgate in their distorted version of sound policy.... policy which suits its donors like "The Ugly American," Murdoch, "Our Biggest Miner,"Rinehart, assorted Tobacco companies and probably the odd Polish Land-Mine Manufacturer, People Smugglers, Drug Dealer and of course, Tax Cheats!
The Sheeple love "Truffles." They don't seem to mind that prosperity for them will be harder to achieve. They seem ignorant of the fact that we have become under the ruling rabble in 2 1/2 years the White Trash of Asia!
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Wind-Surfer, Altona |
Ex Prime Miniature, Rabid-the-Hun has, 1# Said he'll recontest his parliamentary seat for preselection and 2# Is off to The Ugly American's Home to prosletyse to Anti-Abortionists and anti Equal Marriage wowsers.
As for "1" there will be so little "talent" in the Liarbril Party that Rabid is a "shoe-in" for pre-selection, which in reminding us all what a nasty, venal and corrupt lot of mongrels they are is to Labor's advantage and for "2" The "Merican's of the ilk he'll be talking to just might find him more erudite than Trump or Palin and invite him to stay!
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Williamstown |
Senator Eric "Vichy" Abetz (Uncle Otto's Great Nephew) and one of Rabid's most rabid supporters has been frothing at the mouth attempting to convince us that Rabid should be returned to the Front Bench.. as he's "... only public service in mind..." Which sort of begs the question: how did Rabid accumulate wealth to the tune of $80,000,000.00 in 22 years of parliamentary attendance?
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St Kilda |
It's all downhill from here!
Hoo-Roo Petals,
P.S. Call me a "Jeremiah" if you want but having just watched the news and seen what we call "celebrations of Australia Day"... I couldn't help thinking that there was a tone of desperation in the sheer number and variety of festivities. Then a military man (retired), as Aussie of the Year who has made ONE call on gender issues has been nominated by a writer of historical self-portraits (Fitzsimons) as our first President of a Republic...I feel a fit-up!
I also feel that the desperation implies that we, well and truly, have lost our way in the miasma of commercialist pap, advertising and spin!
And that Mitch Hooke, a mining advocate who was responsible for a campaign against fair taxes being paid by this destructive industry get's a gong ....shows how bereft of social consciousness this ruling rabble still is... what a farce. What a joke they expect us to believe in! It's a wonder they didn't give an OA to "Kero-Bath" Bishop for services to transport!
Vale, Australia you had potential once...