Mrs Wombat and I have been away for a few days so I'm late and because of that this is a looooong one.
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Shane behind the Wire |
For overseas readers the title may need some explanation.
Here in Melbourne there used to be a building demolition firm called "Whelan the Wrecker".
When on the job they would place signs saying "Whelan is Here" and on finishing the demolition leave one saying, "Whelan was Here" .
No further explanation will be needed on this or Shane's Pic on reading this weeks Wombat Droppings.
Mrs Wombat was cold in the burrow and wanted a holiday in warmer climes. Shane needed to do some topographical research in Mildura and on 2 RAAF OTU.
Voilà... Congruence.
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Lake Tyrrell, Mallee National Park |
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Mallee Wheat |
Murray-Darling: painting by Jade Temby |
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Wentworth P.O. |
Just up the road, well, Darling Street, you'll find Jade's Cafe which has very good coffee (and scones) and interesting artworks... that's Jade's painting above, also fascinating art-works by Roger Clarke who'll also teach you Didgeridoo if you stick around long enough.
Good conversation, too....ta, you lot.
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Jade, Steven, and Roger, Jade's Cafe, Wentworth, NSW |
In Mildura, a bonus for me was wandering around at dusk to photograph bits and pieces under street lighting; something you can't do much of in the burrow.
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Deakin St, Mildura |
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Mildura, night |
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Jacks Corner Chinese, Mildura |
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The Sentinals, Car Park, Mildura |
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The Grand, Mildura |
It's not the Emu, Kangaroo, Cows or other assorted wildlife which are a problem on this track but humans, those with a distinct lack of "country-road-nouse".
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One Way. Lake Mungo |
For anyone else: cremated Aborigine remains dating back 40,000 years have been found here.
It is a significant place.
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Lake Mungo |
Bloody Greenies, always trashing the "Brand".. as recently elected Senator for PUP Jacqui Lambie (ex soldier) opined t'other day.
Methinks she's better suited for destroying things than waxing philosophic or instigating a judicial enquiry into why people are trying to protect the environment!
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Lake Mungo Dunes |
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Lake Mungo Dunes |
I mean, you really have to wonder, don't-cha? There were only two other vehicles and they weren't in front of this position.
But like I've said before, they do things differently in the Far North!
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Parking, Lake Mungo, Far North, Q'land Style! |
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Rendezvous Restaurant, Mildura |
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Mildura Brewery Pub |
The mag is eclectic, partisan, local, exciting and particularly ignorant of that-which-must-not-be-said in a conservative regional city, which makes it a really good and relevant read.
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The Dura |
Which makes you wonder why ex-premier of the Tardis State (Where-All-Goes-Backward) "Big-Bird" Baillieu (Genus: Silvertail Incompetens) cut $800,000,000.00 from TAFE when there is talent like this in our regional centres which need nurturing.
We finally, on our last day made it to the the reason I was in Mildura: and went out to the RAAF Museum for No:2 OTU.
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RAAF Museum, Mildura |
On the trip back to the burrow we stopped of at the Mechanics Institute (1918) in Kurting...
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Mechanics Institute, Kurting |
A fine time for three days; Mildura's good warm weather, new interesting people .. moving landscapes and a better appreciation of how vibrant our regional cities can be.
Wombat Droppings or The Low-down on Politics in OZ
It’s been a tad more than 50 days
and Prime Miniature “Rabbott” has decided it’s time to celebrate his Liarbril /
Notional Party Government’s achievements.
100 Days used to be the norm for
this sort of assessment but as you will see one of the reasons for “going
early” might either be what follows or that in being “…open-for-business”, this is just the entrée and the main is
still to come.
So what has happened?
1/ Steve Bracks and family,
"shafted" days before taking up a post on New York: another fine example of
Liarbril pettiness and vindictiveness.
Prime Miniature “Rabbott” mouths off against Labor and its policy’s to American
International studies expert Clinton Fernandes said “Rabbott’s” comments to the Washington Post left behind an image of “coarseness, amateurishness and viciousness”.
Former diplomat and senior public servant John Menadue said it remained to be seen whether “Rabbott” could ''make the transition from a critic and opposition attack dog to a responsible and constructive prime minister''.
International studies expert Clinton Fernandes said “Rabbott’s” comments to the Washington Post left behind an image of “coarseness, amateurishness and viciousness”.
Former diplomat and senior public servant John Menadue said it remained to be seen whether “Rabbott” could ''make the transition from a critic and opposition attack dog to a responsible and constructive prime minister''.
Rabbott's performance was to the highest of Sir Les Patterson’s diplomatic and cultural
awareness standards; and I’m sure the Brits will be particularly happy quoting
it back to us at every suitable opportunity. (Yanks who read this might have to Google The Right Hon. Sir Les to ken the point)
Anti-Environment Minister Greg “Ozone-Hole” Hunt quotes Wicki at Brit journo to
support his Prime Miniature’s assertions against linking Global Warming and the
NSW Bush-fires. Andrew “the Dolt” Bolt, writes supporting both …Can't even read Wiki and get it right. Nuff said!
“Rabbott” tell UN rep for Climate
Change “…she’s talking through her hat!” ..and later, “… that Carbon Pricing is
a Socialist plot.”
More channelling of the spirit of Sir Les!
More channelling of the spirit of Sir Les!
appeared of Mr “Rabbott” in volunteer fireman clobber “saving” the country from
bushfire... except the pics were taken much earlier in the year; and though it’s nice to
know there’s enough time when running a country to play “hero” in a fire-truck you would have thought that the "real" job he has might take a bit more time?.
He then denied any link between these fires and Global Warming saying that fires are endemic in Oz at this time of year….
He then denied any link between these fires and Global Warming saying that fires are endemic in Oz at this time of year….
pointing to our history of fires, Abbott rattled off a list of historical
bushfires, and the dates were: the 1850s, 1939, 1968, 1983, 1994, 2003, and
2009 and now, 2013. Ignoring, for a moment that none of those other fires were
in October, take a look at the gaps between those events.
years, 29 years, 14 years, 11 years, nine years, six years, and four years.
Abbott may have thought he was talking about Australia’s proclivity for
catching alight, but in fact he was reinforcing the point that these fires are
getting much, much more frequent. Furthermore he displayed the shallowness
of his intellect.” John Lord in Café Whispers:
A quarter (that we know) of the federal front bench including Attorney
General “Loose-Lips” Brandis have been found to have rorted the public purse in
travel allowances, and other perks over the years.
The Prime Miniature being
one of the worst.
A more compelling display of the totality of their dishonesty, hypocrisy, flagrant disregard of public office and in the Case of “Slippery Pete”, “Ashby-Gate” and “Thommo”, their obscene absence of ethics is hard to top.
A more compelling display of the totality of their dishonesty, hypocrisy, flagrant disregard of public office and in the Case of “Slippery Pete”, “Ashby-Gate” and “Thommo”, their obscene absence of ethics is hard to top.
figures in the Abbott government were among those who enjoyed ''free'' travel
on VIP military aircraft to fly to Canberra for parliamentary sitting weeks,
amassing a taxpayer bill of more than $2 million, Defence Department records
reveal. Former ministers in the Howard government including Peter
“I-Had–a-Baton” Costello, Nick “Hypocrite” Minchin and Amanda “Il Patrone”
Vanstone used ''special purpose'' VIP military flights to commute to Canberra
with private staff members, despite having unlimited business-class air
travel with Qantas as part of their ministerial perks. Empty military planes,
costing taxpayers thousands of dollars each flight, were sent from Canberra to
capital cities to pick up the Howard ministers, despite on many occasions
regular commercial flights being available. Among those to ''catch a
lift'' with Mr Costello were MPs including Kevin “Aborted”Andrews, now the
Minister for Social Services, and Bruce “Who” Billson, now the Minister for
Small Business. The former treasurer was joined on VIP flights by his team of
private staff, who included Kelly “Shaduppa-ya-face” O'Dwyer, who succeeded Mr Costello in the seat of Higgins. Empty military
planes, costing taxpayers thousands of dollars each flight, were sent from
Canberra to capital cities to pick up the Howard ministers, despite on many
occasions regular commercial flights being available. :
mostly quoted from….
6/ Joe “Oh-What-a-Feeling” Hockey lied about
the budget crisis ( oohhh, really, truly) and now lies about the last treasurer
and the RBA and then extends the country’s debt another $8,
and doubles the borrowing limit to $500 billion. Now there's a a budget crisis!
Right-Wing economics commentator, Judith Sloan said of Chris
“The-Whyne” Pyne in his mincing, giggling and garbled defense of this, “You are
economically irresponsible!”
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Pyne-the-Wyne, the Perfect Prefect. |
7/ Scott “The
Drone” Morrison, No-Immigration minister, has, quite apart from displaying his
overweening arrogance at his weakly newspeak (from Sydney and not Canberra
where most of the journo’s are) of announcements about his “Illegals” has also
provided more evidence of the dearth of feeling and humanity successful
Liarbrils must have to attain the higher ranks…
“..four families, all with new born babies were woken and taken at 5am to Christmas Island yesterday. They have been told that they will then be transferred to Nauru.
The Minister's new rule to deal with babies born in Australia is that all babies born of mothers who arrived post July2013, are to be sent at 6 weeks of age to Nauru.
These babies were born in Darwin under rules from the previous minister: new minister: new rules.
Live babies are to be transferred to Nauru at six weeks of age, unborn babies are to be sent for birth on Nauru. These little ones may struggle to survive in tents in 50 degree Celsius heat in communal tents in a camp with no running water.
“..four families, all with new born babies were woken and taken at 5am to Christmas Island yesterday. They have been told that they will then be transferred to Nauru.
The Minister's new rule to deal with babies born in Australia is that all babies born of mothers who arrived post July2013, are to be sent at 6 weeks of age to Nauru.
These babies were born in Darwin under rules from the previous minister: new minister: new rules.
Live babies are to be transferred to Nauru at six weeks of age, unborn babies are to be sent for birth on Nauru. These little ones may struggle to survive in tents in 50 degree Celsius heat in communal tents in a camp with no running water.
Babies and
children under 5 years in Nauru are more likely to die than babies and children
in Australia: UNICEF REPORT into Child mortality 2012
There are 40 deaths per one thousand babies born in Nauru to 2 deaths per thousand in Australia. Pamela Curr Campaign Coordinator Asylum Seeker Resource Centre.
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refugee mothers and babies |
8/ Aside from kow-towing to the Chinese and Indonesians, insulting Vladimir Putin,
anything to do with a scientific analysis of climate change and being the first government in 86 years to not appoint a science minister and planning to privatise state education, to sell of the profitable medicare private followed by the again, profitable Australia Post… the first fifty days has been, by Liarbril standards a roaring success.
anything to do with a scientific analysis of climate change and being the first government in 86 years to not appoint a science minister and planning to privatise state education, to sell of the profitable medicare private followed by the again, profitable Australia Post… the first fifty days has been, by Liarbril standards a roaring success.
So to celebrate these
“achievements” “Rabbott” threw (we believe at taxpayer expense) a dinner party
whose “….. guests included Andrew “The Dolt” Bolt, Piers “Toad Hall” Akerman,
Alan “Bondi” Jones (he of London Toilet Fame), Janet “Wasp”Albrechtsen, Miranda
Devine, Chris Kenny, Daily Telegraph editor Paul Whittaker, and News Corp
editor Col “ Pot” Allan, who is believed to have flown back from New York in
time for the intimate gathering of friends. The Australian editor Chris
Mitchell was invited, but told Fairfax Media he was unable to attend. Fairfax
Media columnists Paul Sheehan and Gerard “Sycophant” Henderson were also
invited to the knees-up, which was orchestrated by “Rabbott’s” chief of staff Peta “Bloody-Idiot” Credlin who will not
verify who is paying……or publicly verify anything else for that matter.
Will it be a ''a circus'' and… ''scandalously wasteful''?
We will never know because as “Rabbott” has only fronted the media eight times in his 50 days and Credlin is telling Ministers when and where they can talk.
An interesting version of Democracy isn’t it?
Will it be a ''a circus'' and… ''scandalously wasteful''?
We will never know because as “Rabbott” has only fronted the media eight times in his 50 days and Credlin is telling Ministers when and where they can talk.
An interesting version of Democracy isn’t it?
9/ Alan “Bondi” Jones (he of London Public Toilet Fame and acolyte
of “Rabbott”) shock jock from Sydney,
has been told to get his facts straight before mouthing off on air. Station responds with, "….we pointed
out to ACMA that this new requirement (to verify the factual accuracy of
reports in other media) is burdensome, uncertain, ambiguous and impinges on editorial
It would be funny if it weren’t
Ahh, Democracy in Oz.
Back around 2005 there was an animated serial from Britain
on TV titled, “I am Not an Animal.” It begins in an animal/ human vivisection
lab where research into Frankenstein-esque type beings is taking place.
An accident occurs, some of the
“animals” escape and they try to find their way in the world, thinking they are
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I am Not an Animal |
It’s a macabre comedy that came to
mind because it has so much in common with the present Government.
In both, there’s a real disconnect between reality as it exists and reality as a perception.
This perceptual dissonance is what The-Coots-with-Queer-Ideas-from-a-Parallel-Universe (aka The Institute of Public Affairs) develop to feed Liarbril’s thought-bubbles masquerading as policy by pushing their sponsor’s lines. You know, the likes of Big Tobacco, Big Mining, Privatised Health, Big Pharmaceuticals, Coal Miners et al. And we are supposed to believe that we are governed for the good of the people and nation.
In both, there’s a real disconnect between reality as it exists and reality as a perception.
This perceptual dissonance is what The-Coots-with-Queer-Ideas-from-a-Parallel-Universe (aka The Institute of Public Affairs) develop to feed Liarbril’s thought-bubbles masquerading as policy by pushing their sponsor’s lines. You know, the likes of Big Tobacco, Big Mining, Privatised Health, Big Pharmaceuticals, Coal Miners et al. And we are supposed to believe that we are governed for the good of the people and nation.
What Bullshit!
Welcome to the wonderful, wacko world of the LNP/ Murdoch government as promulgated by the IPA.''
Welcome to the wonderful, wacko world of the LNP/ Murdoch government as promulgated by the IPA.''
So there you have it. …. no wonder
the ex-seminarian (aka “The Mad Monk”) “went early” with this premature
ejaculation of a “success” spiel
because who knows what horrors and incompetence await us in the next 50
days and subsequent two years and eight months?
It’s also interesting to note that
this is probably the first federal government since Federation that has not had
a “honey-moon” period following its election: It went “on-the-nose” from day
one and looks like only getting worse!
Cheers, Possums,
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A Rose by any other name.....with thanks to Harry from "The Dura" |
PS. On Yer Bike, Tone
The Australian Index
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