Saturday 15 February 2020

The Raping of Australia

G'day Petals,
It’s been a while since posting. Renovations in the burrow being one excuse although again, the real truth is that it’s depressingly difficult to keep repeating a constant mantra detailing the incompetence, malfeasance, cupidity and abject corruption of The-Liar-From-the-Shire, The Happy-Clapper-Prime Miniature Scummo from Marketing and his criminal cabal of the Ruling Rabble who continue debasing the nation.
But with weekly gaffes, revelations, leaks and stumbles it would be remiss of me not to chronicle just how the country continues to be violated by these mongrels.

Fresh on the heels of his disastrous empathy lacking displays during the bushfires (still ongoing, despite current torrential rains and flooding) and his overtly bullying demeanour came the double whammy’s of Barnyard and the Joycettes getting their band back together by trying to upstage Deputy PM, What’s-’is-Name for the main gig and an enquiry from the outgoing independent member for Indi Kathy McGowan to the Audit Office as to why Fishnets-that-Batter’s daughter, the hapless Gorgon Downer of-the-IPA was, as an aspirant candidate, handing out thousands of dollars of taxpayers money in novelty cheques to sporting clubs with no parliamentary member present?
And hasn’t the Auditor General’s report “stirred the Possum,” eh?

But firstly, Barnyard and the Joycettes.
Mummy’s Boy, Canavan and Ploddy O’Brien decided that preferring the noise Barnyard made was stridently better than the muffled mouthings of What’s-’is-Name so formed their own trio and made a failed audition attempt to wrest the main gig from him. Failing, Barnyard then lurchingly and leeringly fronted cameras to warn What’s-is-Name that he was loyal but dangerous and What’s-’is-name responded by wishing Mummy’s Boy, Canavan a good rehearsal and giving his job to Pitts...where it has duly gone ...and saying too, what no-one believed; that he was in full control of his rump of a group.
Concurrent with this fracas of rural non-entity, ego bashing came news that under pressure, Annie Oakley McKenzie was forced to jump under the bus driven by Scummo from Marketing for her “non-illegal, eligible” spending of hundreds of Millions of public money to not aid the “miraculous” election result and that the Federal Police, admitting that An-us Taylor was too canny for them dropped investigation of a forged document emanating from his office in order to advantage his wife in Sydney’s council elections because it would
A/ take too much time….
B/ too many resources and
C/ It hadn’t caused much harm!
But they added, research into The Murdochracy’s Annika Smethurst’s undie’s drawer and the ABC’c journo’s is ongoing after 18 months…

Of course we will not see the Feds investigating the rorting of nearly $500,000,000 of public money for Ruling Rabble election bribes, will we?
We will not see any serious queries from the MSM as to why $4,000,000,000 is to be given for a “study” for a new coal fired-power station which will never be built or why another $12,000,000,000 is being given to Ruling Rabble donors to shore up their ageing power station either?
Scummo from Marketing has lied to Parliament as have his criminal henchmen but there will be no resignations. They have not the honour for that, they have a lust for power and control which overrides any semblance of decency.
As a nation we need to grow up. For too long we have acquiesced to this born-to-rule bullshit and blithely ignored all that is good being trashed, debased and besmirched by what has fast become a fascist regime.

The Ruling Rabble are at their most vulnerable assailed now on every side as incompetent, criminally negligent environmentally and fiscally repulsive.
It’s Time… knock their collective head off.
If we don’t then worse is to come.
We need to reclaim what Australia once was.

Hoo-roo, Possums

PS pics are from Clunes W Central Vic. And Greendale in fog….

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