Shane in his Budgie Smugglers |
G'day Possums,
once upon a time there was a quaint notion that
being a government minister your behaviour was to be exemplary, sober,
considered and beyond reproach, at least in public.
Although the "truth" offered as policy might be modified, twisted, compromised and adjusted to fit changing parameters from its original utterance, it would still have a kernel of its original intent and could, in most cases, be defended.
Although the "truth" offered as policy might be modified, twisted, compromised and adjusted to fit changing parameters from its original utterance, it would still have a kernel of its original intent and could, in most cases, be defended.
There was an expectation too that ministers had the welfare of the nation at
heart before all else, particularly personal profit.
Ahh, the Good-Old-Days...The Golden Past!
Last week I mentioned the storms that brought South Australia's power grid down and the
fact that the event was used by
Truffles and his ruling rabble Mk#2 to try and belt-the-bejesus out of
renewables in favour of favour I'm still not quite sure.
Fictions Frydenberg then had a meeting with all
the state energy ministers and re-iterated that their targets of around 40-50%
renewable energy by 2050 were too onerous, and too costly (to the coal producers
and fracking lobby) to be really attainable in a real world scenario and the states would be better off limiting their designs downward to the federal target of 23% by
2020. "Ya see," he said, "re-newables can't provide energy
security the way coal can!" Fictions then
failed to offer an explanation of what this "secure energy
source" was going to be and how the electricity from it would be
distributed when the cheap steel in the Chinese supplied pylons bent and allied
with the apparent lack of suitably robust foundations, fell over when hit
simultaneously by both a breeze and a waywardly suicidal Orange-Bellied Parrot.
Not to be outdone in ludicrousness, up popped
Uncle Otto's Tasmanian progeny, Vichy Abetz ...high...pitch offered
his peculiar brand of wisdom in that Nuclear would solve all our problems
...and then some.
That a nuclear plant would probably take 20-30
years to start producing power seemed to escape the ken of this endangered
Tassie species. By which time, the
once pristine waters surrounding him would probably be well and truly
irradiated from contaminated material still pouring out into the Pacific at 300 Tonnes of per day from the broken Fukushima plant, so we wouldn't have
to do that ourselves.
Which is a good thing because we can't do much
anyway.. oh, coffee; we're good at making that.... cars.... manufacturing,
nahh. The Ruling Rabble Mk#2 have been
as quiet as cat-thieves as Ford produced its last vehicle and General Motors is
about to fold, leaving what many expect to be 200,000 more unemployed to be
added to the nearly 800,000 looking for the 165,000 jobs available nationwide.
It was interesting to note that the figures of workers being made redundant at
Ford seemed to get smaller with every hourly news service, particularly on the
ruling rabble's new tabloid propaganda vehicle, the ABC where the numbers went
from around 1500 to less than half that by days end. It was almost as if the
ABC were being told to test which number was most popular.
Now, I'm not accusing the ruling rabble of
"spinning" this disastrous legacy from the Ruling Rabble Mk #1 of
Eleventy Hockey and Rabid-the-Hun.
They wouldn't
do that would they...would they?
Well, not unless the UNHCR produced a report on
our refugee concentration camps on Nauru and Manus Islands which showed that
88% of these refugees (yes, they are refugees, not "illegals") are
suffering from depressive anxiety dis-orders and PTSD! .
Then you might find that Dodo Dutton's
Department of Non-Immigration is bleeding the taxpayer of around $8,000,000.00
a year with its 82 "communications" staff, 22 of which are apparently
being trained on camera and in other media to obfuscate "controversial
issues" like inadequate health facilities, education, and care standards
less than what is expected in a maximum security prison.
That it would cost the nation much less to allow
these refugees into the country, house them and maintain them back to mental
and physical health than all the billions of dollars this cruel ideological bullshit is costing us at
present really makes you wonder what brand of ethics this ruling rabble have
There are two sorts... the first example was on
show at the Malaysian Grand Prix where
Branden Stobbs, 29, Edward
Leaney, 25, Nicolas Kelly, 27, Thomas Laslett, 28, Thomas Whitworth, 28, James
Paver, 27, Adam Pasfield 25, Timothy Yates, 29, and Jack Walker who in a coarse
display of crude, culturally insensitive humour, undressed to reveal the
Malaysian flag emblazoned on their jocks!
Of these expensively privately "educated" boys (note the ages)
one was a diplomat's son, another, the last named is, or should we say
hopefully, was a staffer for one of the most incompetent ministers in the
ruling rabble, Chwissie the Whyne and Perfect-Prat-of-a-Prefect, Pyne. Given
Chwissie's asinine pronouncements of being "the fixer," we wait with
baited breath to see his solution to his latest ethical dilemma. And it hasn't gone unnoticed just how fitting they seem for each other.
The second example was the dilemma for the
ruling rabble's private security detail, the AFP in finalising its tardy
investigation into who "lifted" Slippery Pete's Diary in order to
bring down not only him but also the Gillard government. Despite the admission
on TV by Chicken Legs Brough that he advised The Sleazy Ashby to do the deed, the AFP have decided that there is "insufficient evidence" to bring charges.
Kathy Jackson must now feel a palpable sense of relief at the looking-the-other-way-ed-ness of this Aussie F****d Police.
Kathy Jackson must now feel a palpable sense of relief at the looking-the-other-way-ed-ness of this Aussie F****d Police.
![]() |
Brandis as Napoleon with apologies to Ingres |
A third example was a conglomerate of perfidy
by Bookshelves Brandis. who seems to have a bad case
of wood-rot and embarrassed himself being caught lying to parliament over what he didn't
do and what he said he did. This excuse for an Attorney
General is a bloody disgrace to the position; from getting Credlin off a drink
driving charge that would have seen most of us lose our license and possibly
gain a jail term, employing the underqualified and overpaid IPA clone Timmy
The-Twat Wilson as Freedom of Speech Commissioner so he could fund his run at
Goldstein, to "offering" Gillian Triggs a sinecure if she
"bailed" as Commissioner, to stacking judicial posts; and now this
sphincter mouthed piece of duplicity is trying to eliminate the Solicitor
General from providing any advice to government and empire build his Fascist
nest. He should be sacked.... but this is not the old days
Jimmy Paterson, Cosplay |
Pastie, seen here in
what is probably his most appropriate cosplay outfit, trotted out his best party
piece: that all government funding to sports and the arts be cut.
He has
suggested that the ANG's "Blue Poles" by Jackson Pollack should be
sold as it has accrued 270 times its original cost.
It's worth noting that back in '74-5 that the $1.3 Million paid, as well as the work too was heavily criticised by formalist ilk similar in taste and
perspicacity to the arid personality strutting before us now.
Is the young, smug
and inexperienced Pastie, (28 yo) the
definitive proof of cynicism: One who knows the cost of everything and the
value of nothing?
Would that he had been
around to advise Lorenzo D'Medici, Katherine the Great, G. van Swieten,
Belyayev, John Soane or Peggy Guggenheim.
Why, he even could have disagreed with Churchill who decided not to cut the
Arts during WW2, because, as Churchill then said, "That's what we are fighting
How much he would have
saved ! How much more pleasure we all would have had fingering our accounting machines and entering our debit and profit ledgers. I'm sure that when his one hand is clapping Pastie is imagining stimulating dollar signs.
You can see dear
Petal or two, what a warm encompassing
and open visage we have in our representative, young Pastie.
How can this desiccated Dickensian mind ever possibly imagine it could lead anything?
How can this desiccated Dickensian mind ever possibly imagine it could lead anything?
Hoo-roo petals,
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