Shane in new bathroom |
G'day Possums, remember the bathroom?
Well it's now finished and
Some before and after pics
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before.. |
After |
After |
It became a bit of a saga but I think it looks terrific. Much thanks go to local crew, Eureka Glass ( 1300 330 275) for their extensive work and the fitting of the panels.
Eureka Glass |
Will Cardinal Pell-Pot, The
Graceless, apologise to those whose terrible plights he ignored? No... he knows that
that admission means guilt and has
admitted as much. His ambition, the corporate structures and his advancement in
a medieval business are more important than ethics, morality and personal
priestly integrity.
2nd is rolling in his grave with laughter that he couldn't fix a similar
problem in the C12th.
"Pell shared a house
with Ridsdale, Pell sat on a committee of priests who made decisions to move
Ridsdale from parish to parish, Pell was vicar for education when Ridsdale was a school chaplain, and Pell accompanied
Ridsdale to court when he was finally charged. Pell had more reasons than most
to turn his mind to what Ridsdale was perpetrating."' Kristina Keneally on
Cardinal George Pell's form for blaming everyone but himself.
was also Rabid-the-Hun's spiritual advisor and confessor.
Irae is coming for both!
Another of Abbott's brilliant
appointments bites the dust: Michael Lawler, Kathy Jackson's partner has
resigned his $400,000.00 p.a. position as workplace relations commissioner
after not putting forward a defence of his nine months paid sick leave to
support Jackson in the enquiry into trade union corruption where it seems that
Jackson herself might be the only one with real "form."
Remember Rabid-the-Hun
lauding Jackson as a beacon of quality in the union movement as she stitched up
Craig Thompson over his misuse of $25,000.00 of union funds?
Well she's being investigated
over allegedly rorting $1,250,000.00!
It has been widely reported
that Rabid-the-Hun in another demonstration of "No sniping" has
leaked a Defence "White Paper" to embarrass Truffles Turnbull. Apart
from the "loose cannon" methodology, the ruling rabble again
demonstrates its appallingly juvenile approach to leading a country and a
completely arrogant disdain of service to the nation.
The Australian’s foreign
editor Greg "Toady" Sheridan, the author of the report from Rupert
"The Ugly American" Murdoch's propaganda sheet, and an Abbott
loyalist from Rabid's wall thumping student days , said in a fiercely
inappropriate defense that Abbott was not his source.... or Capt Catlic
Andrews... it was a little birdie.... and it is perfectly OK for the Liarbrils
to play around leaking secret documents for personal political purposes.
Nikki Savva, hardly a cheer-leader for the left has weighed in with a book
co-authored with Laurie Oakes: "The Road to Ruin. How Abbott and Credlin
destroyed a Government." Detailing
the complete dysfunction of the first two years of this rabble's rule, much is
being made of the "intimacy" between the two and its subsequent
alienation of minister and backbencher alike.
"Bloody Idiot Credlin" opined when asked to resign her position
that: "He couldn't do the job
without me," only further indicates the level of this alarmingly evil
man's incompetence.
evidence of a mongrel ruling rabble's
behaviour which is as tawdry to each other as it is to the country should
surprise no-one and further, that the rats are turning on each other on the
sinking rust-bucket, SS Liarbril is not surprising either.
is the IPA dream, a Free Market and
Free Enterprise in action....!
there was the farce of treasurer Mk2, "The Drone" Morrison working
himself up in a lather over Labor's plan to reduce negative gearing on homes by
referring to of a BIS Shrapnel study.
the report was commissioned BEFORE Labor released it's policy; was not
specifically aimed at it; and was full of errors! More incompetence from this
policy free, ruling rabble!
Greens have decided to "do-a-Democrat" and support the ruling rabble
with changes to the Senate voting system; a move which will effectively
eliminate the minor parties and entrench the Liarbrils as having control of the
Senate in perpetuity.
that worked out so well for the Democrats after Meg Lees supported the
Liarbrils bringing in the GST, where in a few years they were wiped out as an
alternative party, it's difficult to fathom why the Greens are also hell bent
on self-immolation. But it does mean we'll have to be more assiduous in how we
cast our vote in the Senate this time around.
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