Citizen Shane |
G’day Possums,
Now that the dust in the burrow has settled on “the trip”
and even though much less was shot than last time, I'm well into what seems an
interminable “post-process” and able to reflect on what are becoming the
salient memories of those six weeks.
Jardin de Plantes, Paris The Inspiration for Saint Sa'ens', "Carnival of the Animals" |
The Cathedrals seen in Britain; Wells, Exeter, Southwark and
the local churches all had a liveliness probably because they are used
extensively and are not dank, damp spaces. Also the fact that the architecture
being a century or so later in most cases and “English Perpendicular” has found
its soaring, full formal restraint which is so different from the “Flamboyant”
of French Gothic.
Wells Cathedral Chapter House Stairs |
Scotney Castle |
The gardenswere beautiful: Sissinghurst, Scotney, Trebah and the
delightfully warm Lacock Abbey and even the walk to Petworth House but then
nearly every French Village is a picture in itself and Versailles (apart from
the selfie-hordes) has that expansive dignity and a singular charm in the Petit
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Versaille |
Sissinghurst, Petworth, the Wallace collection, now
administered by the State were all from immense private wealth, whereas
wandering through the castle at Vitre or the ramparts of Dinan you’re conscious
of a formidable awareness of Nation and region and even though The Victoria and Albert in
London has a large Artwork Neon sign in its foyer telling the masses “This
belongs to You” the Opera Garnier in Paris seems more publicly owned.
Petworth |
Perhaps it was because the British renounced their
Commonwealth, returning to a forelock tugging monarchical system whereas the
French embraced Republican Liberty, Egalite’ and Fraternity that restaurant
food and service is generally so much better in France?
Sissinghurst |
Jardin des Plantes, Staircase |
Wombat Droppings
A chronicle of the demise of Egalitarian Oz and its embrace
of Fascism.
Rabid-the-Hun, leader of the ruling rabble, this week
refused to deny that when he said, “…we are open for business,…” he meant the
business of people smuggling.
It has come to light that in the free enterprise spirit some
refugee boats have returned to Indonesia after thousands of dollars have been
given by Oz Immigration to the captains of those vessels. This is irritating to
those Military and Police in Indonesia who are complicit with this trade, as it
will force them to lower the prices for the asylum seekers and pay their
captains more. A real win-win for people smugglers.. ahhh, the talent of the
ruling rabble.
Coming at the same time as Rabid was floating the idea of
sending more troops to the hell-holes from where many of these refugees
originate and mounting another four pronged assault on the Human Rights
Commissioner Gillian Triggs for suggesting that the Indonesians might stop
listening to us on other matters if we continue violating their territory, his
Treasurer Joe “Eleventy-Toyota-Killer” Hockey had us all “in the aisles” with
his profoundly original observation that we will all need a good job if we wish
to buy a house.
Eleventy ignored the fact that there are five people for
every job at the moment and that self-employed and contract workers are not
welcomed by the banks for home mortgages and that $100,000.00 university debts
and a privatised health system and lower wages were not really a recipe for
community building.
Pryor Cartoon, The Saturday Paper 13-6-2015 |
The $390,000.00 a year Free Speech Commissioner and ex
Liarbril, ex “Coot-With-Queer-Ideas-From-a-Parallel-Universe” (aka IPA), Timmy
“Twat-Freedom-Man” Wilson popped his head up this week, too. At the Sydney
Geriatric Institute he apparently opined that the judiciary should not be the
ones dealing with human rights as this could be left to his mentor George
“Bookshelves” Brandis or even “Dodo” Dutton but only after they’ve finished
assaulting his boss, Gillian Triggs. Timmy didn’t see much use for any thing
like a Magna Carta either… other than as a tourist attraction for lefty wimps.
It has yet to be ascertained what proportion of his
$390,000.00 remuneration this thought- bubble was worth.
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Peta "Bloody-Idiot" Credlin |
Full of this spirit of Democracy, Rabid-the-Hun’s advisor,
Peta ”Bloody-Idiot” Credlin was reported as telling a press photographer to
delete the files she had shot of her. Having of late been less visible
monstering her ruling rabble colleagues, this was a welcome return to form that
we have missed appreciating in person; although if Rabid’s pronouncements on
housing prices, wind farms, marriage equality, security and environmental
matters are anything to go by, she is still showing equivalent acumen in her
advisory role.
“Dodo” Dutton was at his rollicking charming best, too when
the bullying Sydney radio noise Ray Hadley played him a song about Green’s
Senator Sarah Hansen-Young’s adventures of being spied on by Wilson Security
when she visited the refugee concentration camp on Manus Island. Hadley has to be congratulated in getting a
laugh from the dour faced Dodo even if it was, as another of Hansen-Young’s
colleagues Larissa Waters said, “Sexist claptrap!”
It is interesting to note that with all the expensive Royal
Commissions going on and nothing of import coming from them that in Queensland
and Victoria the new governments are uncovering some very interesting messes
that were allowed or were fostered by the previous Liarbril regimes in transport,
education, sport and law… and I suspect that the vicious attacks on Gillian
Triggs or anyone else who contradicts or opposes this ruling rabble will have
similar treatment meted out like that of Hansen-Young; after all, look at the
way Gillard was treated by these “adults”.
Much as I said there was a stench in Victoria which is now emerging….
this federal rabble are so
“on-the-nose” in so many areas and the corrupt stink is coming from the
very top.
Hoo-roo Petals,
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Versailles, Petit Trianon |
Watts Chapel |
The fish always stinks from the the Greens and Sarah-Hanson Young may have a bit more respect for Julia Gillard over the sexism she endured from Abbott and Alan Jones and their cronies. Gillian Triggs needs protection from the disgusting battering she is enduring from the Lying Liberals............she must not be expected to withstand it alone.