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Shane Mugshot |
G’day Petals,
In an online conversation with Canadian photographer John
Smith I was surprised with his awareness of what is happening in Australia,
particularly with “Rabbutt-the-Hun” and Christopher ”The
Whyne-and-Perfect-Prat-of-a-Prefect” Pyne. He then said he’d come across a
series of mug-shots and saw that some looked like our less than esteemed
“leaders”. I had a look too, and Voila…. John was correct… I hope you find
these amusing and exhort you to have a look at a Canadian’s blog as a thank you
for his interest in Oz.
Wombat Droppings or low down oz politics
The Carbon Pricing Scheme has finally been destroyed by the
alliance of PUP Bogans, La-La Far Righters and the Mindless Liarbrils…. whose
celebration of its demise was like a pre-pubescent’s end of school flour fight.
It made me think that they must live in a very small, very insular bubble; a
space not connected to a real world of humanity but something constructed,
ordered and devised just for them to feel secure before they are forced to grow
up and acknowledge that as real adults, they have responsibilities to a sphere larger than the hip pocket.
But suddenly we are having a real climate change debate
where the denier-a-saurs can’t be invited. Will “Direct Action” work? Will it
achieve anything like the 20% reductions in emissions the Carbon Pricing
mechanism did?
In these arguments there is no questioning of whether
Climate Change is real but which is the most effective way of ameliorating its
real effects.
Climate denier-saurs are finally made extinct by their own
Can "Rabbutt-the-Hun's" mind work in anything
other than cliches? Referencing the murders on the Malaysian Airline flight
MH17 in interview with Fran Kelly, (ABC “Insiders” 20-7-14) "the Hun”
said, "... there were 36 that Called Australia Home...", “…. we will
work purposefully, methodically, continuously…” and; “…. Big countries don’t
intimidate small countries…that is wrong…”
Is this man is very, very sick?
The use of a Peter Allen song and subsequent theme for
Qantas (who btw, is cost cutting and trying to offload its aircraft maintenance
to Malaysia) is not just bad taste and appalling judgement but salient to this
man’s psychopathology
It seems to indicates a mind lacking any empathy with the
reality of the situation particularly when this mongrel prime miniature again
brings his daughters into the equation by relating how they had flown from
Europe on flight MH-17 some weeks before….So what! So had hundreds of others.
What was this supposed to achieve, identification with the victim’s families or
just drawing attention to his own little world?
His body language was noteworthy, too. A flat hand, mostly
palm down in rhythmic down beat time to his halting 2-3 word utterances: “Now,
Fran…what we um have been doing… we have been um…been doing …is methodical,
purposeful and consistent…um er, getting the job done… er, Fran.” In other words, “Fran, F***K Off, we will do
whatever we want!”
His answers indicated that while listening to the question
in detail “Rabbutt” processes only those elements he can respond to from the
repertory of catch phrases and slogans that suit the IPA agenda. The answers
have the rhythm of the learned, the memorised and practised stock phrase:
oddly, quite like the rhythm of saying the psalms.
Gerard “Sydney Geriatric Institute” Henderson perched on
the couch of “Insiders” like a malevolent Gargoyle opined that
“Rabbutt-the-Hun” was leading the world in his criticism of Putin’s lack of
Oi… what an inflated juvenile view of their own importance
these Liarbrils have… as if Putin would care what mosquito bites Australia had
in store for Russia.
When the European Union, Britain, and the USA together start
criticising, Putin MIGHT listen to them….but as the Europeans need Russian gas
And why would Putin listen to humanitarian blather from a little country which has a 2/6worth of trade and that has re-introduced C18th type prison hulks to incarcerate refugees
or bullied a despoiled Timor-Leste over the Timor gap oil reserves?
They talked of being "grown-up", having policy's,
being organised, inclusive, collegiate, caring, full of vision.... it didn't
take a genius to work out that they had none of the discipline, maturity,
imagination, intellect, humanity or just plain "couth” to be any of these
things.... they were and remain a rabble, who are quickly sending Australia to
a top league laughing stock as the economic "White-Trash" of Asia.
barbarians, (what else can you call them?) are deliberately trashing the
country and its future. Ruling according to the dictate of the IPA’s (Coot’s
-With-Queer-Ideas-From-a-Parallel-Universe) miserable medieval, right wing
“free”-market theories.
heard their Head Troll, Roskam, “Plonker#1”get well and truly “worked over” on
Faine (ABC 774) by wives and members of Vic. Ambulance, when showing to the
Ambo’s pay and conditions dispute all the empathy of a Scrooge trained
made me wonder if his humanity is delivered in small amounts via an ATM.
to say, even though some of the talk-back on Faine’s program (ABC 774) silenced
him and there was a hint of doubt becoming apparent in his voice you know that
this right-wing ideologue never conceives or accepts that he can be wrong and
he and his Murdoch/Rinehart funded ilk is what is destroying this nation soul.
…and a link to the real stink.
They and their Liarbril Office–Boys have to be removed.
Hoo-Roo Possums,
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