....The Ascent of the Bogan....
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Shane gets a cuddle |
We have another small exhibition in Ballan ...the following are some of the exhibits
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Ballan Mechanics Institute |
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Old Telegraph Office, Ballan |
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Greendale Storm |
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Incipient Storm, Blackwood |
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Yaloak |
Exhibition is at "Expressions of Love", Cafe' Ballan....
Wombat droppings or Politics in OZ
I was listening to The Science Program on ABC, RN when
presenter Robyn Williams began his interview with Lisa Jardine “….. tracing the
evolution of scientific endeavour in Britain over the last four centuries…..and
discussing her series and commentary on radio and television science
broadcasting in the UK, comparing successful techniques used in landmark series
such as The Ascent of Man… a 13-part television series made by BBC in
1973, written and presented by Lisa Jardine’s father, Jacob Bronowski.”… a program I loved watching.
The interview finished with a replaying of the last moments
of “The Ascent of Man”; Bronowski’s moving and heartfelt summation on humanity
as he picked up a handful of human ash from a pond in Auschwitz where many of
his family had been murdered.
I had been reading reports of Pyne the Whyne’s ideological plans for Oz education prior to
listening to this program and realised,
hearing Bronowski the scale of the humanitarian abyss and
intellectual gulf that separates the likes of Pyne and his cohort from the
likes of the Bronowski’s of this world. It brought me close to tears.
Hey-Ho, Hey-Ho it’s back to the 50’s we go!
Interestingly true to form “The Whyne” was duly slapped down
and effectively told to “shut-the-f--k-up” by “Rabbutt” ‘cause he’d let the cat
out of the bag in announcing a cap on tertiary places and (again…back to the
future) the abolition of student union fees.
Sinodinos was slapped down too when he suggested “…. Getting
into the super…”
As this two-stepping was common prior to the election we
shouldn’t be surprised now by rabble-like pronouncements and confusion over
what passes for policy-on-the-run.
Joe “Oh-What-a-Feeling” Hockey, back from Bali, apologised
for not finding a financial or budget crisis and was sorry that
“the-bottom-line” was not as bad as he had predicted but we couldn’t trust the
figures anyway!
He then ran away.
Calling Kevin 07+6 called by "Rabbutt", “…a hyper control freak” over similar
media control..... one thing seems certain about our new Prime Miniature, he is of
the old “don’t-do-as-I-do, do-as-I-say” school.
Hey-Ho, Hey-Ho it’s back to the 50’s we go!
“Rabbott’s” and “The Drone” Morrison’s politicisation of the
military has taken another step forward from where “Little Johnny” Howard and
Peter “Rottweiler” Reith had left it with SIEV X and the “Children Overboard”
By literally running for cover over not just the ten boats that have reached here but particularly, the one that didn’t, which sank 50 meters from shore 24 hours after sending distress signals (the survivors claim) and drowning at least 50 men, women and children. The military are being made the front line in “Rabbutt’s” cruel ideological war on asylum seekers and as the Liarbril’s run and hide by closing down any media commentary it is the military left holding the bodies.
By literally running for cover over not just the ten boats that have reached here but particularly, the one that didn’t, which sank 50 meters from shore 24 hours after sending distress signals (the survivors claim) and drowning at least 50 men, women and children. The military are being made the front line in “Rabbutt’s” cruel ideological war on asylum seekers and as the Liarbril’s run and hide by closing down any media commentary it is the military left holding the bodies.
It will be interesting to see how long the ADF will tolerate the high standing they presently have with the Australian public being
trashed by “Rabbott”, “The Drone” and minions’ ideological insanity.
So, is this is our new “…Grown-up Government”?
Things are so serious that Alexander “Things-that-Batter”
Downer has given himself a guernsey and is making pronouncements to anyone who
will listen.
Hello, hello, is anyone there?
Like my Fish-Nets, thweeetie?
Hey-Ho, Hey-Ho it’s back to the 50’s we go!
Greens Leader Christine Milne has been positively and
gangrenously careless and lost all six of her top staff….. and a third of the
vote…dark days being Green.
But things may be looking up …..they almost have someone on
their side… the new Environment Minister, Greg ”Ozone-Hole” Hunt.
“Ozone-Hole” says that although he accepts the IPCC report's findings on climate change (with fingers crossed) he isn't planning any immediate action to protect Australia's coastal communities as it’s all a long, long, long way away and we have to stop or buy the boats first. Second, reduce the NBN to a technological laughing stock, and then Third, repeal the Carbon Pricing scheme so that the monies saved can be used by the CSG industry to lower the water table, pollute farmland, export the profits, push up domestic gas prices and further pollute and debilitate the earth’s atmosphere with the consequent huge releases of Methane.
“Ozone-Hole” says that although he accepts the IPCC report's findings on climate change (with fingers crossed) he isn't planning any immediate action to protect Australia's coastal communities as it’s all a long, long, long way away and we have to stop or buy the boats first. Second, reduce the NBN to a technological laughing stock, and then Third, repeal the Carbon Pricing scheme so that the monies saved can be used by the CSG industry to lower the water table, pollute farmland, export the profits, push up domestic gas prices and further pollute and debilitate the earth’s atmosphere with the consequent huge releases of Methane.
This will also keep Manufacturing Minister, Ian “Chainsaw”
Mc Farlane very happy as his conversion from climate scepticism was never
really solid, no matter what he told farmers in NSW and besides, he’s another
from the Far North and they are different!
Senator, George “Loose-Lips” Brandis is another “Far
North-er” doing thing differently claiming from the taxpayer, nearly $1,700 on
flights, accommodation and car hire for attending a wedding…. he says, “…
primarily for work purposes…...” Really?
Yeah and the dog ate his homework, too.
He is also currently revising the Parliamentary Code of
That should make for interesting reading.
“I-did-nothing-wrong,” said the Attorney General, “and
besides, I’ve paid the money back.” Hissily, stamping his foot, he runs
He attended this wedding in 2011 when trying to bring the Govt down by assiduously and zealously pursuing Craig
Tommo and “Slippery” Pete over matters similar.
This hypocrite of a First Law Officer should be sacked but
let’s see what “Rabbutt” will say…. probably only reprise “Little Johnny”
Howard’s line when Peter “Rottweiler” Reith loaned his Commonwealth phone to
his son who then racked-up a $20,000.00 bill.
“It’s not a hanging offence” said that ex-Prime Miniature.
Also remembering his own re-payment of $10.000.00 for his
book publicity tour will help “Rabbutt” make up his mind, too.
Senator Brandis was accompanied in this fraud by Barnaby
Joyce who, although less financially culpable, and once an accountant, failed
to see anything untoward either…. till it was exposed.
Hey-Ho, Hey-Ho it’s back to the 50’s we go!
Here in The Tardis State “Where-all-goes-Backward” pretend
premier, Dennis “Inutulis Rusticus” Napthine has spent, it is only said, (he
will not say) $90,000,000.00 buying most of the Evo Apartments that may be
surrounded by the new East-West freeway.
Locals in Mooroopna thought some of the money could be better spent on a spell-checker for the staff who organised the plaque on Moorpoopna’s, (oops), new Police station.
Poolic Minster, Kim “Down-the-Drain” Wells denied he was keeping the mis-pelled plaque to sell on E-Bay and later said it was to be mounted on the column of the late, Eight Hour Day opposite Trades Hall to remind everywun whose booss.
Locals in Mooroopna thought some of the money could be better spent on a spell-checker for the staff who organised the plaque on Moorpoopna’s, (oops), new Police station.
Poolic Minster, Kim “Down-the-Drain” Wells denied he was keeping the mis-pelled plaque to sell on E-Bay and later said it was to be mounted on the column of the late, Eight Hour Day opposite Trades Hall to remind everywun whose booss.
Hundreds of locals closer to the proposed freeway rejoiced
at their “Evo” compatriots good fortune and celebrated on the streets, North
Korean Style, grateful for being chosen as a sacrifice in getting no
compensation for the same lack of amenity.
They appreciate that this is The Way of the True Leader and necessary penance for their trendy presumption in occupying good inner-city land only to live on and where their homes are blocking progress.
They appreciate that this is The Way of the True Leader and necessary penance for their trendy presumption in occupying good inner-city land only to live on and where their homes are blocking progress.
Ex PM “Big-Red” Gillard has had an enthusiastic even if
“excitable-girly” reception in both Sydney and Melbourne for a controlled
conversation with Anne Summers.
Leigh Sales’ snide and bitchy comments on ABC’s 7.30 on the
event in place of reporting it once again added nothing to our understanding,
except showcasing her quite astounding and unnecessary poor manners which may
indicates more about Sales’ poverty of technique than anything else.
“Rabbutt” has arrived back from apologizing to the
Indonesians and tugging his fore-lock has promising not to do it again.
The boats, by-the-way, haven’t stopped!
Cheers Petals,
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