G'day all.... the shows up.....
... we hung it all today, distributed the flyers and put them in shop windows.
So now there's a big silence.
That's the poster on the left.
and below, a panorama of the venue,
The Bean Barn 217 Sturt St Ballarat.
Open 7 days
Some of the works are collage type assemblages
And yes, there is a awareness of Joseph Cornell's work but the intent here is more related to performance than surrealism.
Photos, material, twigs. 250mmx200mmx20mm
Here there is a play with the illusion of space .. you can see that the "backdrop" really does curve down to the front and the dancer (Ally, see previous posts) is a cut-out in correct position. The shadows are hers not photoshopped into the image as are the folds in the drop
Two photo images
300mm x 250mm x 30mm
Carlo Blasis illustration reproductions, angled floor and a cut-out (Shriram) which bears a striking resemblence to a most "Romantic" manner.
250mm x 200mm x 20mm

..and, Yes, Robbie can Jump!
Print and cut-out.
250mm x 200mm x 20mm
If you happen to visit this show there's a visitors book for comments.
Cheers Possums,
... we hung it all today, distributed the flyers and put them in shop windows.
So now there's a big silence.
That's the poster on the left.
and below, a panorama of the venue,
The Bean Barn 217 Sturt St Ballarat.
Open 7 days
The title is borrowed from a film Gene Kelly produced
and starred in, which was at the time and possibly still is,
one of the most innovative dance films made.
At photography’s inception capturing movement
was impossible and even a subjects head for a portrait was
clamped into place to limit any blur through movement.
In all art forms the attributes of the medium modify
and inform the methods and conceptual paths the artist can take.
Photography’s 150+ year history has culminated in todays
digital cornucopia; a veritable feast of image making equipment
and modification and manipulation methods which allied to the
quality and longevity of the final print is releasing the production
of new forms of expression in graphic art.
There are a variety of performance modes in dance and each
can be realised in photography through a variety of techniques
which hopefully give true expression to the qualities of the
choreography, the dancer and dances inherent theatricality, a
theatricality that is in part the ability to suspend belief: to make you
believe a woman is a Swan or a spirit and that weightlessness
is normal.
It’s the illusion of human aspiration achieving completeness.
and starred in, which was at the time and possibly still is,
one of the most innovative dance films made.
At photography’s inception capturing movement
was impossible and even a subjects head for a portrait was
clamped into place to limit any blur through movement.
In all art forms the attributes of the medium modify
and inform the methods and conceptual paths the artist can take.
Photography’s 150+ year history has culminated in todays
digital cornucopia; a veritable feast of image making equipment
and modification and manipulation methods which allied to the
quality and longevity of the final print is releasing the production
of new forms of expression in graphic art.
There are a variety of performance modes in dance and each
can be realised in photography through a variety of techniques
which hopefully give true expression to the qualities of the
choreography, the dancer and dances inherent theatricality, a
theatricality that is in part the ability to suspend belief: to make you
believe a woman is a Swan or a spirit and that weightlessness
is normal.
It’s the illusion of human aspiration achieving completeness.
Some of the works are collage type assemblages
And yes, there is a awareness of Joseph Cornell's work but the intent here is more related to performance than surrealism.
Photos, material, twigs. 250mmx200mmx20mm
Here there is a play with the illusion of space .. you can see that the "backdrop" really does curve down to the front and the dancer (Ally, see previous posts) is a cut-out in correct position. The shadows are hers not photoshopped into the image as are the folds in the drop
Two photo images
300mm x 250mm x 30mm
Carlo Blasis illustration reproductions, angled floor and a cut-out (Shriram) which bears a striking resemblence to a most "Romantic" manner.
250mm x 200mm x 20mm

..and, Yes, Robbie can Jump!
Print and cut-out.
250mm x 200mm x 20mm
If you happen to visit this show there's a visitors book for comments.
Cheers Possums,
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